Source code for probflow.applications.dense_classifier

from typing import List

import probflow.utils.ops as O
from probflow.distributions import Categorical
from probflow.models import CategoricalModel
from probflow.modules import DenseNetwork
from probflow.utils.casting import to_tensor

[docs]class DenseClassifier(CategoricalModel): r"""A classifier which uses a multilayer dense neural network TODO: explain, math, diagram, examples, etc Parameters ---------- d : List[int] Dimensionality (number of units) for each layer. The first element should be the dimensionality of the independent variable (number of features), and the last element should be the number of classes of the target. activation : callable Activation function to apply to the outputs of each layer. Note that the activation function will not be applied to the outputs of the final layer. Default = :math:`\max ( 0, x )` kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`.DenseNetwork` Attributes ---------- network : :class:`.DenseNetwork` The multilayer dense neural network which generates predictions of the class probabilities """ def __init__(self, d: List[int], **kwargs): d[-1] -= 1 = DenseNetwork(d, **kwargs) def __call__(self, x): x = to_tensor(x) return Categorical(O.insert_col_of(, 0))