Source code for probflow.utils.casting

The utils.casting module contains functions for casting back and forth
betweeen Tensors and numpy arrays.

* :func:`.to_numpy`
* :func:`.to_tensor`
* :func:`.to_default_dtype`
* :func:`.make_input_tensor`



__all__ = [

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from probflow.utils.settings import get_backend, get_datatype

[docs]def to_numpy(x): """Convert tensor to numpy array""" if isinstance(x, list): return [to_numpy(e) for e in x] elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x elif isinstance(x, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): return x.values elif get_backend() == "pytorch": return x.detach().numpy() else: return x.numpy()
[docs]def to_tensor(x): """Make x a tensor if not already""" # Get numpy data if pandas if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): x = x.values elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): x = x.to_frame().values # Convert to backend tensor if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return x else: return torch.tensor(x) else: return x # TensorFlow auto-converts numpy arrays to tensors
def to_default_dtype(x): if get_backend() == "pytorch": return x.type(get_datatype()) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.cast(x, get_datatype()) def make_input_tensor(fn): def tensor_fn(*args, **kwargs): return fn(to_tensor(args[0]), *args[1:], **kwargs) return tensor_fn