Source code for probflow.utils.ops

The utils.ops module contains operations which run using the current backend.

* :func:`.kl_divergence`
* :func:`.expand_dims`
* :func:`.squeeze`
* :func:`.ones`
* :func:`.zeros`
* :func:`.full`
* :func:`.randn`
* :func:`.rand_rademacher`
* :func:`.shape`
* :func:`.eye`
* :func:`.sum`
* :func:`.prod`
* :func:`.mean`
* :func:`.std`
* :func:`.round`
* :func:`.abs`
* :func:`.square`
* :func:`.sqrt`
* :func:`.exp`
* :func:`.relu`
* :func:`.softplus`
* :func:`.sigmoid`
* :func:`.gather`
* :func:`.cat`
* :func:`.additive_logistic_transform`
* :func:`.insert_col_of`
* :func:`.new_variable`
* :func:`.log_cholesky_transform`
* :func:`.copy_tensor`



__all__ = [

from probflow.utils.base import BaseDistribution
from probflow.utils.casting import make_input_tensor, to_tensor
from probflow.utils.settings import get_backend, get_datatype

[docs]def kl_divergence(P, Q): """Compute the Kullback–Leibler divergence between two distributions. Parameters ---------- P : |tfp.Distribution| or |torch.Distribution| The first distribution Q : |tfp.Distribution| or |torch.Distribution| The second distribution Returns ------- kld : Tensor The Kullback–Leibler divergence between P and Q (KL(P || Q)) """ # Get the backend distribution if needed if isinstance(P, BaseDistribution): P = P() if isinstance(Q, BaseDistribution): Q = Q() # Compute KL divergence with the backend if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(P, Q) else: import tensorflow_probability as tfp return tfp.distributions.kl_divergence(P, Q)
@make_input_tensor def expand_dims(val, axis): """Add a singular dimension to a Tensor""" if axis is None: return val if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.unsqueeze(val, axis) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.expand_dims(val, axis) @make_input_tensor def squeeze(val): """Remove singleton dimensions""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.squeeze(val) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.squeeze(val)
[docs]def ones(shape): """Tensor full of ones.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.ones(shape, dtype=get_datatype()) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.ones(shape, dtype=get_datatype())
[docs]def zeros(shape): """Tensor full of zeros.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.zeros(shape, dtype=get_datatype()) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.zeros(shape, dtype=get_datatype())
[docs]def full(shape, value): """Tensor full of some value.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.full(shape, value, dtype=get_datatype()) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.cast(tf.fill(shape, value), dtype=get_datatype())
[docs]def randn(shape): """Tensor full of random values drawn from a standard normal.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.randn(shape, dtype=get_datatype()) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.random.normal(shape, dtype=get_datatype())
[docs]def rand_rademacher(shape): """Tensor full of random -1s or 1s (i.e. drawn from a Rademacher dist).""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return 2 * torch.randint(0, 2, shape, dtype=get_datatype()) - 1 else: import tensorflow_probability as tfp try: # for older versions of tfp, fall back on older version return tfp.random.rademacher(shape) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover return tfp.python.math.random_rademacher(shape)
[docs]def shape(x): """Get a list of integers representing this tensor's shape""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": return [s for s in x.shape] else: return [s for s in x.shape]
[docs]def eye(dims): """Identity matrix.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.eye(dims, dtype=get_datatype()) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.eye(dims, dtype=get_datatype())
[docs]def sum(val, axis=-1, keepdims=False): """The sum.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch if axis is None: return torch.sum(val) else: return torch.sum(val, axis, keepdim=keepdims) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.reduce_sum(val, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]def prod(val, axis=-1, keepdims=False): """The product.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return, dim=axis, keepdim=keepdims) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.reduce_prod(val, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]def mean(val, axis=-1, keepdims=False): """The mean.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.mean(val, dim=axis, keepdim=keepdims) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.reduce_mean(val, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]def std(val, axis=-1, keepdims=False): """The uncorrected sample standard deviation.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.std(val, dim=axis, keepdim=keepdims) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.math.reduce_std(val, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]def round(val): """Round to the closest integer""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.round(val) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.math.round(val)
[docs]def abs(val): """Absolute value""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.abs(val) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.math.abs(val)
[docs]def square(val): """Power of 2""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": return val ** 2 else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.math.square(val)
[docs]def sqrt(val): """The square root.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.sqrt(val) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.sqrt(val)
[docs]def exp(val): """The natural exponent.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.exp(val) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.exp(val)
[docs]def relu(val): """Linear rectification.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.nn.ReLU()(val) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.nn.relu(val)
[docs]def softplus(val): """Linear rectification.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.nn.Softplus()(val) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.math.softplus(val)
[docs]def sigmoid(val): """Sigmoid function.""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.nn.Sigmoid()(val) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.math.sigmoid(val)
[docs]def gather(vals, inds, axis=0): """Gather values by index""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.index_select(vals, axis, to_tensor(inds)) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.gather(vals, inds, axis=axis)
[docs]def cat(vals, axis=0): """Concatenate tensors""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return, dim=axis) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.concat(vals, axis=axis)
[docs]def additive_logistic_transform(vals): """The additive logistic transformation""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch ones_shape = [s for s in vals.shape[:-1]] + [1] exp_vals = [torch.exp(vals), torch.ones(ones_shape, dtype=get_datatype())], dim=-1, ) return exp_vals / torch.sum(exp_vals, dim=-1, keepdim=True) else: import tensorflow as tf ones_shape = tf.concat([vals.shape[:-1], [1]], axis=-1) exp_vals = tf.concat( [tf.exp(vals), tf.ones(ones_shape, dtype=get_datatype())], axis=-1, ) return exp_vals / tf.reduce_sum(exp_vals, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
[docs]def insert_col_of(vals, val): """Add a column of a value to the left side of a tensor""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch shape = [s for s in vals.shape[:-1]] + [1] return [val * torch.ones(shape, dtype=get_datatype()), vals], dim=-1 ) else: import tensorflow as tf shape = tf.concat([vals.shape[:-1], [1]], axis=-1) return tf.concat( [val * tf.ones(shape, dtype=get_datatype()), vals], axis=-1 )
[docs]def new_variable(initial_values): """Get a new variable with the current backend, and initialize it""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.nn.Parameter(initial_values) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.Variable(initial_values)
[docs]def log_cholesky_transform(x): r"""Perform the log cholesky transform on a vector of values. This turns a vector of :math:`\frac{N(N+1)}{2}` unconstrained values into a valid :math:`N \times N` covariance matrix. References ---------- - Jose C. Pinheiro & Douglas M. Bates. `Unconstrained Parameterizations for Variance-Covariance Matrices <>`_ *Statistics and Computing*, 1996. """ if get_backend() == "pytorch": import numpy as np import torch N = int((np.sqrt(1 + 8 * torch.numel(x)) - 1) / 2) E = torch.zeros((N, N), dtype=get_datatype()) tril_ix = torch.tril_indices(row=N, col=N, offset=0) E[..., tril_ix[0], tril_ix[1]] = x E[..., range(N), range(N)] = torch.exp(torch.diagonal(E)) return E @ torch.transpose(E, -1, -2) else: import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_probability as tfp E = tfp.math.fill_triangular(x) E = tf.linalg.set_diag(E, tf.exp(tf.linalg.tensor_diag_part(E))) return E @ tf.transpose(E)
def transpose(x): """Transpose a matrix or batch of matrices""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.transpose(x, -1, -2) else: import tensorflow as tf perm = list(range(x.ndim)) perm[-1] = x.ndim - 2 perm[-2] = x.ndim - 1 return tf.transpose(x, perm=perm) def reshape(x, new_shape): """Reshape a tensor""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch return torch.reshape(x, tuple(new_shape)) else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.reshape(x, new_shape)
[docs]def copy_tensor(x): """Copy a tensor, detaching it from the gradient/backend/etc/etc""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": return x.detach().clone() else: import tensorflow as tf return tf.identity(x)