Source code for probflow.utils.plotting

"""Plotting utilities.

TODO: more info...



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

COLORS = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]

[docs]def approx_kde(data, bins=500, bw=0.075): """A fast approximation to kernel density estimation.""" stds = 3 # use a gaussian kernel w/ this many std devs counts, be = np.histogram(data, bins=bins) db = be[1] - be[0] pad = 0.5 * bins * bw * stds * db pbe = np.arange(db, pad, db) x_out = np.concatenate( (be[0] - np.flip(pbe), be[0:-1] + np.diff(be), be[-1] + pbe) ) z_pad = np.zeros(pbe.shape[0]) raw = np.concatenate((z_pad, counts, z_pad)) k_x = np.linspace(-stds, stds, int(bins * bw * stds)) kernel = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * np.exp(-np.square(k_x) / 2.0) y_out = np.convolve(raw, kernel, mode="same") return x_out, y_out
[docs]def get_next_color(def_color, ix): """Get the next color in the color cycle""" if def_color is None: return COLORS[ix % len(COLORS)] elif isinstance(def_color, list): return def_color[ix % len(def_color)] else: return def_color
[docs]def get_ix_label(ix, shape): """Get a string representation of the current index""" dims = np.zeros(len(shape)) for d in range(len(shape) - 1, 0, -1): prod =[:d]) dims[d] = np.floor(ix / prod) ix -= dims[d] * prod dims[0] = ix if len(shape) == 1: return str(dims[0].astype("int32")) else: return str(list(dims.astype("int32")))
[docs]def plot_dist( data, xlabel="", style="fill", bins=20, ci=0.0, bw=0.075, alpha=0.4, color=None, legend=True, ): """Plot the distribution of samples. Parameters ---------- data : |ndarray| Samples to plot. Should be of size (Nsamples,...) xlabel : str Label for the x axis style : str Which style of plot to create. Available types are: * ``'fill'`` - filled density plot (the default) * ``'line'`` - line density plot * ``'hist'`` - histogram bins : int or list or |ndarray| Number of bins to use for the histogram (if ``kde=False``), or a list or vector of bin edges. ci : float between 0 and 1 Confidence interval to plot. Default = 0.0 (i.e., not plotted) bw : float Bandwidth of the kernel density estimate (if using ``style='line'`` or ``style='fill'``). Default is 0.075 alpha : float between 0 and 1 Transparency of the plot (if ``style``=``'fill'`` or ``'hist'``) color : matplotlib color code or list of them Color(s) to use to plot the distribution. See Default = use the default matplotlib color cycle legend : bool Whether to show legends for plots with >1 distribution Default = True """ # Check inputs if ci < 0.0 or ci > 1.0: raise ValueError("ci must be between 0 and 1") # If 1d make 2d if data.ndim == 1: data = np.expand_dims(data, 1) # Number of datasets dims = data.shape[1:] Nd = # Flatten if >1D data = np.reshape(data, (data.shape[0], Nd), order="F") # Compute confidence intervals if ci: cis = np.empty((Nd, 2)) ci0 = 100 * (0.5 - ci / 2.0) ci1 = 100 * (0.5 + ci / 2.0) for i in range(Nd): cis[i, :] = np.percentile(data[:, i], [ci0, ci1]) # Plot the data for i in range(Nd): next_color = get_next_color(color, i) lab = get_ix_label(i, dims) if style == "line": px, py = approx_kde(data[:, i], bw=bw) plt.plot(px, py, color=next_color, label=lab) if ci: yci = np.interp(cis[i, :], px, py) plt.plot( [cis[i, 0], cis[i, 0]], [0, yci[0]], ":", color=next_color ) plt.plot( [cis[i, 1], cis[i, 1]], [0, yci[1]], ":", color=next_color ) elif style == "fill": px, py = approx_kde(data[:, i], bw=bw) plt.fill(px, py, facecolor=next_color, alpha=alpha, label=lab) if ci: k = (px > cis[i, 0]) & (px < cis[i, 1]) kx = px[k] ky = py[k] plt.fill( np.concatenate(([kx[0]], kx, [kx[-1]])), np.concatenate(([0], ky, [0])), facecolor=next_color, alpha=alpha, ) elif style == "hist": _, be, patches = plt.hist( data[:, i], alpha=alpha, bins=bins, color=next_color, label=lab ) if ci: k = (data[:, i] > cis[i, 0]) & (data[:, i] < cis[i, 1]) plt.hist(data[k, i], alpha=alpha, bins=be, color=next_color) else: raise ValueError("style must be 'fill', 'line', or 'hist'") # Only show the legend if there are >1 sample set if Nd > 1 and legend: plt.legend() # Set x axis label, and no y axis or bounding box needed plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines["left"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines["top"].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines["right"].set_visible(False)
[docs]def plot_line(xdata, ydata, xlabel="", ylabel="", fmt="-", color=None): """Plot lines. Parameters ---------- xdata : |ndarray| X values of points to plot. Should be vector of length ``Nsamples``. ydata : |ndarray| Y vaules of points to plot. Should be of size ``(Nsamples,...)``. xlabel : str Label for the x axis. Default is no x axis label. ylabel : str Label for the y axis. Default is no y axis label. fmt : str or matplotlib linespec Line marker to use. Default = ``'-'`` (a normal line). color : matplotlib color code or list of them Color(s) to use to plot the distribution. See Default = use the default matplotlib color cycle """ # If 1d make 2d if ydata.ndim == 1: ydata = np.expand_dims(ydata, 1) # Check x and y are the same size if xdata.shape[0] != ydata.shape[0]: raise ValueError("x and y data do not have same length") # Number of datasets dims = ydata.shape[1:] Nd = # Flatten if >1D ydata = np.reshape(ydata, (ydata.shape[0], Nd), order="F") # Plot the data for i in range(Nd): next_color = get_next_color(color, i) lab = get_ix_label(i, dims) plt.plot(xdata, ydata[:, i], fmt, color=next_color, label=lab) # Only show the legend if there are >1 sample set if Nd > 1: plt.legend() # Set axis labels plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel)
[docs]def fill_between(xdata, lb, ub, xlabel="", ylabel="", alpha=0.3, color=None): """Fill between lines. Parameters ---------- xdata : |ndarray| X values of points to plot. Should be vector of length ``Nsamples``. lb : |ndarray| Lower bound of fill. Should be of size ``(Nsamples,...)``. ub : |ndarray| Upper bound of fill. Should be same size as lb. xlabel : str Label for the x axis. Default is no x axis label. ylabel : str Label for the y axis. Default is no y axis label. fmt : str or matplotlib linespec Line marker to use. Default = ``'-'`` (a normal line). color : matplotlib color code or list of them Color(s) to use to plot the distribution. See Default = use the default matplotlib color cycle """ # Check shapes if not np.all(lb.shape == ub.shape): raise ValueError("lb and ub must have same shape") if len(xdata) != lb.shape[0]: raise ValueError("xdata does not match shape of lb and ub") # If 1d make 2d if lb.ndim == 1: lb = np.expand_dims(lb, 1) ub = np.expand_dims(ub, 1) # Number of fills and datasets dims = lb.shape[1:] Nd = int( # Flatten if >1D lb = np.reshape(lb, (lb.shape[0], Nd), order="F") ub = np.reshape(ub, (ub.shape[0], Nd), order="F") # Plot the data for iD in range(Nd): # for each dataset, next_color = get_next_color(color, iD) lab = get_ix_label(iD, dims) plt.fill_between( xdata, lb[:, iD], ub[:, iD], alpha=alpha, facecolor=next_color, label=lab, ) # Only show the legend if there are >1 datasets if Nd > 1: plt.legend() # Set x axis label, and no y axis or bounding box needed plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel)
[docs]def centered_text(text): """Display text centered in the figure""" plt.gca().text( 0.5, 0.5, text, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=plt.gca().transAxes, )
[docs]def plot_discrete_dist(x): """Plot histogram of discrete variable""" minx = np.min(x) maxx = np.max(x) be = np.linspace(minx - 0.5, maxx + 0.5, int(maxx - minx + 2)) bc = np.linspace(minx, maxx, int(maxx - minx + 1)) xc, _ = np.histogram(x, be) xc = xc / xc.sum() # normalize, xc)
[docs]def plot_categorical_dist(x): """Plot histogram of categorical variable""" xc = pd.Series(x.ravel()).value_counts().sort_index() xc = xc / xc.sum() # normalize, xc.values) if len(xc.index) < 15: plt.xticks(xc.index, [str(e) for e in xc.index]) else: step = int(len(xc.index) / 7) plt.xticks(xc.index[::step], [str(e) for e in xc.index[::step]])
[docs]def plot_by( x, data, bins=30, func="mean", plot=True, bootstrap=100, ci=0.95, **kwargs ): """Compute and plot some function func of data as a function of x. Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| Coordinates of data to plot data : |ndarray| Data to plot by bins of x bins : int Number of bins to bin x into func : callable or str Function to apply on elements of data in each x bin. Can be a callable or one of the following str: * ``'count'`` * ``'sum'`` * ``'mean'`` * ``'median'`` Default = ``'mean'`` plot : bool Whether to plot ``data`` as a function of ``x`` Default = False bootstrap : None or int > 0 Number of bootstrap samples to use for estimating the uncertainty of the true coverage. ci : list of float between 0 and 1 Bootstrapped confidence interval percentiles of coverage to show. **kwargs Additional arguments are passed to plt.plot or fill_between Returns ------- x_o : |ndarray| ``x`` bin centers data_o : |ndarray| ``func`` applied to ``data`` values in each ``x`` bin """ # Check types if not isinstance(bins, int): raise TypeError("bins must be an int") if bins < 1: raise ValueError("bins must be positive") if not isinstance(plot, bool): raise TypeError("plot must be True or False") if bootstrap is not None and not isinstance(bootstrap, int): raise TypeError("bootstrap must be None or an int") if isinstance(bootstrap, int) and bootstrap < 1: raise ValueError("bootstrap must be > 0") if ci < 0.0 or ci > 1.0: raise ValueError("ci must be between 0 and 1") # Determine what function to use if callable(func): pass elif isinstance(func, str): if func == "mean": func = np.mean elif func == "median": func = np.median elif func == "count": func = len else: raise ValueError("Unknown function name " + func) else: raise TypeError("func must be a callable or a function name str") # Default color if "color" in kwargs: color = kwargs["color"] else: color = COLORS[0] # Ensure x is at least 2d if x.ndim == 1: x = x.reshape(-1, 1) # 1 Dimensional if x.shape[1] == 1: # Create bins over x edges = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), int(bins)).flatten() edges[-1] += 1e-9 bin_id = np.digitize(x, edges) x_o = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2.0 # bin centers # Bootstrap estimate coverage uncertainty if bootstrap is not None: # Compute func for data in each bins boots = pd.DataFrame(index=range(1, bins)) for iB in range(bootstrap): ix = np.random.choice(range(data.size), size=data.size) boots[str(iB)] = ( pd.Series(data[ix].flatten()) .groupby(bin_id[ix].flatten()) .agg(func) ) # Plot coverage confidence intervals ci = np.array(ci) ci_lb = 100 * (0.5 - ci / 2.0) ci_ub = 100 * (0.5 + ci / 2.0) boots = boots.values prc_lb = np.nanpercentile(boots, ci_lb, axis=1) prc_ub = np.nanpercentile(boots, ci_ub, axis=1) plt.fill_between(x_o, prc_lb, prc_ub, alpha=0.3, facecolor=color) # Compute func for data in each bins data_o = pd.DataFrame(index=range(1, bins)) data_o["data"] = ( pd.Series(data.flatten()).groupby(bin_id.flatten()).agg(func) ) data_o = data_o["data"] # Plot coverage plt.plot(x_o, data_o, **kwargs) # Return values return x_o, data_o.values # 2 Dimensional elif x.shape[1] == 2: pass # TODO else: raise ValueError("x.shape[1] cannot be >2")