Developer Guide

At some point I’ll fill this in a bit more, but for the time being:


First make sure you’ve got the following installed:

Setting up a development environment

To start up an environment to run and test ProbFlow, first make a fork of the ProbFlow github repository. Then, clone your fork to download the repository to your machine (this assumes you’re connecting to github using ssh ):

git clone<your_github_username>/probflow.git
cd probflow

Then, to set up a development environment with tensorflow, run

make init-tensorflow

or alternatively to set up a dev environment with pytorch,

make init-tensorflow

The above command creates a new virtual environment called venv, activates that virtual environment, installs the requirements (including tensorflow or pytorch), dev requirements, and the ProbFlow package in editable mode from your version of the source code - see the Makefile for the commands it’s running).


Then you can edit the source code, which is in src/probflow. The tests are in tests. To run the tensorflow tests, run

make test-tensorflow

and to run the PyTorch tests, run

make test-pytorch

If you get an error during the tests and want to debug, the tests are written using pytest, so to drop into the python debugger on errors, run:

. venv/bin/activate
pytest tests/ --pdb


To run the autoformatting (using isort and black) and style checks (using flake8), run

make format


To build the documentation locally (the docs are written for and built with Sphinx, this command creates html files in the docs/_html directory, the main page being docs/_html/index.html), run:

make docs

Contributing your changes

Then if you want to contribute your changes, make a pull request!