Source code for probflow.distributions.inverse_gamma

from probflow.utils.base import BaseDistribution
from probflow.utils.settings import get_backend
from probflow.utils.validation import ensure_tensor_like

[docs]class InverseGamma(BaseDistribution): r"""The Inverse-gamma distribution. The `Inverse-gamma distribution <>`_ is a continuous distribution defined over all positive real numbers, and has two parameters: - a shape parameter (``shape`` or :math:`\alpha > 0`, a.k.a. "concentration"), and - a rate parameter (``rate`` or :math:`\beta > 0`, a.k.a. "scale"). The ratio of :math:`\frac{\beta}{\alpha-1}` determines the mean of the distribution, and for :math:`\alpha > 2`, the variance is determined by: .. math :: \frac{\beta^2}{(\alpha-1)^2(\alpha-2)} A random variable :math:`x` drawn from an Inverse-gamma distribution .. math:: x \sim \text{InvGamma}(\alpha, \beta) has probability .. math:: p(x) = \frac{\beta^\alpha}{\Gamma (\alpha)} x^{-\alpha-1} \exp (-\frac{\beta}{x}) Where :math:`\Gamma` is the `Gamma function <>`_. TODO: example image of the distribution Parameters ---------- concentration : int, float, |ndarray|, or Tensor Shape parameter of the inverse gamma distribution (:math:`\alpha`). scale : int, float, |ndarray|, or Tensor Rate parameter of the inverse gamma distribution (:math:`\beta`). """ def __init__(self, concentration, scale): # Check input ensure_tensor_like(concentration, "concentration") ensure_tensor_like(scale, "scale") # Store args self.concentration = concentration self.scale = scale def __call__(self): """Get the distribution object from the backend""" if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch import torch.distributions as tod return tod.transformed_distribution.TransformedDistribution( tod.gamma.Gamma(self["concentration"], self["scale"]), tod.transforms.PowerTransform(torch.tensor([-1.0])), ) # TODO: mean isn't implemented else: from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd return tfd.InverseGamma(self["concentration"], self["scale"])