Source code for probflow.models.continuous_model

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from import DataGenerator, make_generator
from probflow.utils.casting import to_numpy
from probflow.utils.plotting import plot_by, plot_dist

from .model import Model

[docs]class ContinuousModel(Model): """Abstract base class for probflow models where the dependent variable (the target) is continuous and 1-dimensional. The only advantage to using this over the more general :class:`.Model` is that :class:`ContinuousModel` also includes several methods specific to continuous models, for tasks such as getting the predictive intervals, coverage, R-squared value, or calibration metrics (see below for the full list of methods). .. admonition:: Only supports scalar dependent variables Note that the methods of :class:`.ContinuousModel` only support scalar, continuous dependent variables (not *any* continuous model, as the name might suggest). For models which have a multidimensional output, just use the more general :class:`.Model`; for models with categorical output (i.e., classifiers), use :class:`.CategoricalModel`; and for models which have a discrete output (e.g. a Poisson regression), use :class:`.DiscreteModel`. This class inherits several methods from :class:`.Module`: * :attr:`~parameters` * :attr:`~modules` * :attr:`~trainable_variables` * :meth:`~kl_loss` * :meth:`~kl_loss_batch` * :meth:`~reset_kl_loss` * :meth:`~add_kl_loss` as well as several methods from :class:`.Model`: * :meth:`~log_likelihood` * :meth:`~train_step` * :meth:`~fit` * :meth:`~stop_training` * :meth:`~set_learning_rate` * :meth:`~predictive_sample` * :meth:`~aleatoric_sample` * :meth:`~epistemic_sample` * :meth:`~predict` * :meth:`~metric` * :meth:`~posterior_mean` * :meth:`~posterior_sample` * :meth:`~posterior_ci` * :meth:`~prior_sample` * :meth:`~posterior_plot` * :meth:`~prior_plot` * :meth:`~log_prob` * :meth:`~prob` * :meth:`~save` * :meth:`~summary` and adds the following continuous-model-specific methods: * :meth:`~predictive_interval` * :meth:`~aleatoric_interval` * :meth:`~epistemic_interval` * :meth:`~pred_dist_plot` * :meth:`~predictive_prc` * :meth:`~pred_dist_covered` * :meth:`~pred_dist_coverage` * :meth:`~coverage_by` * :meth:`~r_squared` * :meth:`~r_squared_plot` * :meth:`~residuals` * :meth:`~residuals_plot` * :meth:`~calibration_curve` * :meth:`~calibration_curve_plot` * :meth:`~calibration_metric` * :meth:`~sharpness` * :meth:`~coefficient_of_variation` Example ------- TODO """ def _intervals(self, fn, x, side, ci=0.95, n=1000, batch_size=None): """Compute intervals on some type of sample""" # Compute in batches? if batch_size is not None: intervals = [ self._intervals(fn, x_data, side, ci=ci, n=n) for x_data, y_data in make_generator( x, test=True, batch_size=batch_size ) ] return (np.concatenate(e, axis=0) for e in zip(*intervals)) # No batching (or this is a batch) samples = fn(x, n=n) if side == "lower": return np.percentile(samples, 100 * (1.0 - ci), axis=0) elif side == "upper": return np.percentile(samples, 100 * ci, axis=0) else: lb = 100 * (1.0 - ci) / 2.0 prcs = np.percentile(samples, [lb, 100.0 - lb], axis=0) return prcs[0, ...], prcs[1, ...]
[docs] def predictive_interval( self, x, ci=0.95, side="both", n=1000, batch_size=None ): r"""Compute confidence intervals on the model's estimate of the target given ``x``, including all sources of uncertainty. TODO: docs TODO: using side= both, upper, vs lower Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). ci : float between 0 and 1 Inner proportion of predictive distribution to use a the confidence interval. Default = 0.95 side : str {'lower', 'upper', 'both'} Whether to get the one- or two-sided interval, and which side to get. If ``'both'`` (default), gets the upper and lower bounds of the central ``ci`` interval. If ``'lower'``, gets the lower bound on the one-sided ``ci`` interval. If ``'upper'``, gets the upper bound on the one-sided ``ci`` interval. n : int Number of samples from the posterior predictive distribution to take to compute the confidence intervals. Default = 1000 batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- lb : |ndarray| Lower bounds of the ``ci`` confidence intervals on the predictions for samples in ``x``. Doesn't return this if ``side='upper'``. ub : |ndarray| Upper bounds of the ``ci`` confidence intervals on the predictions for samples in ``x``. Doesn't return this if ``side='lower'``. """ return self._intervals( self.predictive_sample, x, side, ci=ci, n=n, batch_size=batch_size )
[docs] def aleatoric_interval( self, x, ci=0.95, side="both", n=1000, batch_size=None ): r"""Compute confidence intervals on the model's estimate of the target given ``x``, including only aleatoric uncertainty (uncertainty due to noise). TODO: docs Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). ci : float between 0 and 1 Inner proportion of predictive distribution to use a the confidence interval. Default = 0.95 side : str {'lower', 'upper', 'both'} Whether to get the one- or two-sided interval, and which side to get. If ``'both'`` (default), gets the upper and lower bounds of the central ``ci`` interval. If ``'lower'``, gets the lower bound on the one-sided ``ci`` interval. If ``'upper'``, gets the upper bound on the one-sided ``ci`` interval. n : int Number of samples from the aleatoric predictive distribution to take to compute the confidence intervals. Default = 1000 batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- lb : |ndarray| Lower bounds of the ``ci`` confidence intervals on the predictions for samples in ``x``. Doesn't return this if ``side='upper'``. ub : |ndarray| Upper bounds of the ``ci`` confidence intervals on the predictions for samples in ``x``. Doesn't return this if ``side='lower'``. """ return self._intervals( self.aleatoric_sample, x, side, ci=ci, n=n, batch_size=batch_size )
[docs] def epistemic_interval( self, x, ci=0.95, side="both", n=1000, batch_size=None ): r"""Compute confidence intervals on the model's estimate of the target given ``x``, including only epistemic uncertainty (uncertainty due to uncertainty as to the model's parameter values). TODO: docs Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). ci : float between 0 and 1 Inner proportion of predictive distribution to use a the confidence interval. Default = 0.95 side : str {'lower', 'upper', 'both'} Whether to get the one- or two-sided interval, and which side to get. If ``'both'`` (default), gets the upper and lower bounds of the central ``ci`` interval. If ``'lower'``, gets the lower bound on the one-sided ``ci`` interval. If ``'upper'``, gets the upper bound on the one-sided ``ci`` interval. n : int Number of samples from the epistemic predictive distribution to take to compute the confidence intervals. Default = 1000 batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- lb : |ndarray| Lower bounds of the ``ci`` confidence intervals on the predictions for samples in ``x``. Doesn't return this if ``side='upper'``. ub : |ndarray| Upper bounds of the ``ci`` confidence intervals on the predictions for samples in ``x``. Doesn't return this if ``side='lower'``. """ return self._intervals( self.epistemic_sample, x, side, ci=ci, n=n, batch_size=batch_size )
[docs] def pred_dist_plot( self, x, n=10000, cols=1, individually=False, batch_size=None, **kwargs ): r"""Plot posterior predictive distribution from the model given ``x``. TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model given ``x``. Default = 10000 cols : int Divide the subplots into a grid with this many columns (if ``individually=True``. individually : bool If ``True``, plot one subplot per datapoint in ``x``, otherwise plot all the predictive distributions on the same plot. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`.plot_dist` Example ------- TODO """ # Sample from the predictive distribution samples = self.predictive_sample(x, n=n, batch_size=batch_size) # Independent variable must be scalar Ns = samples.shape[0] N = samples.shape[1] if samples.ndim > 2 and any(e > 1 for e in samples.shape[2:]): raise NotImplementedError( "only scalar dependent variables are supported" ) else: samples = samples.reshape([Ns, N]) # Plot the predictive distributions if individually: rows = np.ceil(N / cols) for i in range(N): plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1) plot_dist(samples[:, i], **kwargs) plt.xlabel("Predicted dependent variable value for " + str(i)) plt.tight_layout() else: plot_dist(samples, **kwargs) plt.xlabel("Predicted dependent variable value")
def _get_y(self, x, y): """Get y, even when x is a DataGenerator and y is None""" if y is not None: return y else: y_true = [d for _, d in make_generator(x, y, test=True)] return np.concatenate(to_numpy(y_true), axis=0)
[docs] def predictive_prc(self, x, y=None, n=1000, batch_size=None): r"""Compute the percentile of each observation along the posterior predictive distribution. TODO: Docs... Returns a percentile between 0 and 1 Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model given ``x``. Default = 1000 batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- prcs : |ndarray| of float between 0 and 1 """ # Need both x and y data if y is None and not isinstance(x, DataGenerator): raise TypeError("need both x and y to compute predictive prc") # Compute in batches? if batch_size is not None: return np.concatenate( [ self.predictive_prc(x_data, y_data, n=n) for x_data, y_data in make_generator( x, y, batch_size=batch_size ) ], axis=0, ) # Sample from the predictive distribution samples = self.predictive_sample(x, n=n, batch_size=batch_size) # Independent variable must be scalar if samples.ndim > 2 and any(e > 1 for e in samples.shape[2:]): raise NotImplementedError( "only scalar dependent variables are supported" ) # Reshape Ns = samples.shape[0] N = samples.shape[1] samples = samples.reshape([Ns, N]) y = self._get_y(x, y).reshape([1, N]) # Percentiles of true y data along predictive distribution prcs = np.argmax(np.sort(samples, axis=0) > y, axis=0) / Ns # Argmax returns 0 when all samples are less than true value! prcs[np.reshape(np.max(samples, axis=0) < y, [N])] = 1.0 # Return percentiles return prcs.reshape([N, 1])
[docs] def pred_dist_covered( self, x, y=None, n: int = 1000, ci: float = 0.95, batch_size=None ): r"""Compute whether each observation was covered by a given confidence interval. TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model given ``x``. Default = 1000 ci : float between 0 and 1 Confidence interval to use. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- TODO """ # Check values if n < 1: raise ValueError("n must be greater than 0") if ci < 0.0 or ci > 1.0: raise ValueError("ci must be between 0 and 1") # Compute the predictive percentile of each observation pred_prcs = self.predictive_prc(x, y=y, n=n, batch_size=batch_size) # Determine what samples fall in the inner ci proportion lb = (1.0 - ci) / 2.0 ub = 1.0 - lb return (pred_prcs >= lb) & (pred_prcs < ub)
[docs] def pred_dist_coverage(self, x, y=None, n=1000, ci=0.95, batch_size=None): r"""Compute what percent of samples are covered by a given confidence interval. TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model given ``x``. Default = 1000 ci : float between 0 and 1 Confidence interval to use. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- prc_covered : float between 0 and 1 Proportion of the samples which were covered by the predictive distribution's confidence interval. """ return self.pred_dist_covered( x, y=y, n=n, ci=ci, batch_size=batch_size ).mean()
[docs] def coverage_by( self, x_by, x, y=None, n: int = 1000, ci: float = 0.95, bins: int = 30, plot: bool = True, ideal_line_kwargs: dict = {}, batch_size=None, **kwargs, ): r"""Compute and plot the coverage of a given confidence interval of the posterior predictive distribution as a function of specified independent variables. TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x_by : int or str or list of int or list of str Which independent variable(s) to plot the log probability as a function of. That is, which columns in ``x`` to plot by. x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). ci : float between 0 and 1 Inner percentile to find the coverage of. For example, if ``ci=0.95``, will compute the coverage of the inner 95% of the posterior predictive distribution. bins : int Number of bins to use for x_by ideal_line_kwargs : dict Dict of args to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.plot for ideal coverage line. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to plot_by Returns ------- xo : |ndarray| Values of x_by corresponding to bin centers. co : |ndarray| Coverage of the ``ci`` confidence interval of the predictive distribution in each bin. """ # Compute whether each sample was covered by the predictive interval covered = self.pred_dist_covered( x, y=y, n=n, ci=ci, batch_size=batch_size ) # Plot coverage proportion as a fn of x_by cols of x xo, co = plot_by(x_by, 100 * covered, label="Actual", **kwargs) # Line kwargs if "linestyle" not in ideal_line_kwargs: ideal_line_kwargs["linestyle"] = "--" if "color" not in ideal_line_kwargs: ideal_line_kwargs["color"] = "k" # Also plot ideal line plt.axhline(100 * ci, label="Ideal", **ideal_line_kwargs) plt.legend() plt.ylabel(str(100 * ci) + "% predictive interval coverage") plt.xlabel("Independent variable") return xo, co
[docs] def r_squared(self, x, y=None, n=1000, batch_size=None): r"""Compute the Bayesian R-squared distribution (Gelman et al., 2018). TODO: more info Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). n : int Number of posterior draws to use for computing the r-squared distribution. Default = `1000`. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- |ndarray| Samples from the r-squared distribution. Size: ``(num_samples,)``. Examples -------- TODO: Docs... References ---------- - Andrew Gelman, Ben Goodrich, Jonah Gabry, & Aki Vehtari. `R-squared for Bayesian regression models. <>`_ *The American Statistician*, 2018. """ # Get true y values y_true = self._get_y(x, y) # Predict y with samples from the posterior distribution y_pred = self.epistemic_sample(x, n=n, batch_size=batch_size) # Compute Bayesian R^2 v_fit = np.var(y_pred, axis=1) v_res = np.var(y_pred - np.expand_dims(y_true, 0), axis=1) return v_fit / (v_fit + v_res)
[docs] def r_squared_plot( self, x, y=None, n=1000, style="hist", batch_size=None, **kwargs ): r"""Plot the Bayesian R-squared distribution. See :meth:`~r_squared` for more info on the Bayesian R-squared metric. Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). n : int Number of posterior draws to use for computing the r-squared distribution. Default = `1000`. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`.plot_dist` Example ------- TODO """ r2 = self.r_squared(x, y, n=n, batch_size=batch_size) plot_dist(r2, style=style, **kwargs) plt.xlabel("Bayesian R squared")
[docs] def residuals(self, x, y=None, batch_size=None): r"""Compute the residuals of the model's predictions. TODO: docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- |ndarray| The residuals. Example ------- TODO """ y_true = self._get_y(x, y) y_pred = self.predict(x, batch_size=batch_size) return y_true - y_pred
[docs] def residuals_plot(self, x, y=None, batch_size=None, **kwargs): r"""Plot the distribution of residuals of the model's predictions. TODO: docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`.plot_dist` Example ------- TODO """ res = self.residuals(x, y, batch_size=batch_size) plot_dist(res, **kwargs) plt.xlabel("Residual (True - Predicted)")
[docs] def calibration_curve(self, x, y, n=1000, resolution=100, batch_size=None): r"""Compute the regression calibration curve (Kuleshov et al., 2018). The regression calibration curve compares the empirical cumulative probability to the cumulative probability predicted by a regression model (Kuleshov et al., 2018). First, a vector :math:`p` of :math:`m` confidence levels are chosen, which correspond to the predicted cumulative probabilities: .. math:: 0 \leq p_1 \leq p_2 \leq \ldots \leq p_m \leq 1 Then, a vector of empirical frequencies :math:`\hat{p}` at each of the predicted frequencies is computed by using validation data: .. math:: \hat{p}_j = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N [ P_M(x_i \leq y_i) \leq p_j ] where :math:`N` is the number of validation datapoints, :math:`P_M(x_i \leq y_i)` is the model's predicted cumulative probability of datapoint :math:`i` (i.e., the percentile along the model's predicted probability distribution at which the true value of :math:`y_i` falls), and :math:`\sum_i [ a_i \leq b_i ]` is just the count of elements of :math:`a` which are less than corresponding elements in :math:`b`. The calibration curve then plots :math:`p` against :math:`\hat{p}`. Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model for computing the predictive percentile. Default = 1000 resolution : int Number of confidence levels to evaluate at. This corresponds to the :math:`m` parameter in section 3.5 of (Kuleshov et al., 2018). batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- p : |ndarray| The predicted cumulative frequencies, :math:`p`. p_hat : |ndarray| The empirical cumulative frequencies, :math:`\hat{p}`. Example ------- Supposing we have some training data (``x_train`` and ``y_train``) and validation data (``x_val`` and ``y_val``), and have already fit a model to the training data, .. code-block:: python3 model = # some ProbFlow model..., y_train) Then we can compute the calibration curve with :meth:`~calibration_curve`: .. code-block:: python3 p_pred, p_empirical = model.calibration_curve(x_val, y_val) The returned values can be used directly or plotted against one another to get the calibration curve (as in Figure 3 in Kuleshov et al., 2018) .. code-block:: python3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(p_pred, p_empirical) Or, even more simply, just use :meth:`~calibration_curve_plot`. See also -------- * :meth:`~calibration_curve_plot` * :meth:`~expected_calibration_error` References ---------- - Volodymyr Kuleshov, Nathan Fenner, and Stefano Ermon. `Accurate Uncertainties for Deep Learning Using Calibrated Regression <>`_, 2018. """ pred_prc = self.predictive_prc(x, y, n=n, batch_size=batch_size) p = np.linspace(0, 1, resolution + 2)[1:-1] p_hat = np.array([np.mean(pred_prc < tp) for tp in p]) return p, p_hat
[docs] def calibration_curve_plot( self, x, y, n=1000, resolution=100, batch_size=None, **kwargs ): r"""Plot the regression calibration curve. See :meth:`~calibration_curve` for more info about the regression calibration curve. Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model for computing the predictive percentile. Default = 1000 resolution : int Number of confidence levels to evaluate at. This corresponds to the :math:`m` parameter in section 3.5 of (Kuleshov et al., 2018). batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`.plot_dist` See also -------- * :meth:`~calibration_curve` * :meth:`~expected_calibration_error` """ p, p_hat = self.calibration_curve( x, y, n=n, resolution=resolution, batch_size=batch_size ) plt.plot(p, p_hat, **kwargs) plt.xlabel("Predicted cumulative probability") plt.ylabel("Empirical cumulative probability")
def _calibration_metric(self, metric: str, p, p_hat): if metric == "msce": return np.mean(np.square(p - p_hat)) elif metric == "rmsce": return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(p - p_hat))) elif metric == "mace": return np.mean(np.abs(p - p_hat)) elif metric == "ma": p0 = np.concatenate([[0.0], p, [1.0]]) p0_hat = np.concatenate([[0.0], p_hat, [1.0]]) return np.trapz(np.abs(p0 - p0_hat), p0) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown calibration metric {metric}")
[docs] def calibration_metric( self, metric, x, y=None, n=1000, resolution=100, batch_size=None ): r"""Compute one or more of several calibration metrics Regression calibration metrics measure the error between a model's regression calibration curve and the ideal calibration curve - i.e., what the curve would be if the model were perfectly calibrated (see `Kuleshov et al., 2018 <>`_ and `Chung et al., 2020 <>`_). First, a vector :math:`p` of :math:`m` confidence levels are chosen, which correspond to the predicted cumulative probabilities: .. math:: 0 \leq p_1 \leq p_2 \leq \ldots \leq p_m \leq 1 Then, a vector of empirical frequencies :math:`\hat{p}` at each of the predicted frequencies is computed by using validation data: .. math:: \hat{p}_j = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N [ P_M(x_i \leq y_i) \leq p_j ] where :math:`N` is the number of validation datapoints, :math:`P_M(x_i \leq y_i)` is the model's predicted cumulative probability of datapoint :math:`i` (i.e., the percentile along the model's predicted probability distribution at which the true value of :math:`y_i` falls), and :math:`\sum_i [ a_i \leq b_i ]` is just the count of elements of :math:`a` which are less than corresponding elements in :math:`b`. Various metrics can be computed from these curves to measure how accurately the regression model captures uncertainty: The **mean squared calibration error (MSCE)** is the mean squared error between the empirical and predicted frequencies, .. math:: MSCE = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{j=1}^m (p_j - \hat{p}_j)^2 The **root mean squared calibration error (RMSCE)** is just the square root of the MSCE: .. math:: RMSCE = \sqrt{\frac{1}{m} \sum_{j=1}^m (p_j - \hat{p}_j)^2} The **mean absolute calibration error (MACE)** is the mean of the absolute differences between the empirical and predicted frequencies: .. math:: MACE = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{j=1}^m | p_j - \hat{p}_j | And the **miscalibration area (MA)** is the area between the calibration curve and the ideal calibration curve (the identity line from (0, 0) to (1, 1): .. math:: MA = \int_0^1 p_x - \hat{p}_x dx Note that MA is equal to MACE as the number of bins (set by the ``resolution`` keyword argument) goes to infinity. To choose which metric to compute, pass the name of the metric (``msce``, ``rmsce``, ``mace``, or ``ma``) as the first argument to this function (or a list of them to compute multiple). See `Kuleshov et al., 2018 <>`_, `Chung et al., 2020 <>`_ and the user guide page on :doc:`/user_guide/evaluating` for discussions of evaluating uncertainty estimates using calibration metrics, among other metrics. Note that calibration is generally less important than accuracy, but more important than other metrics like :meth:`~sharpness` and any :meth:`dispersion_metric`. Parameters ---------- metric : str {'msce', 'rmsce', 'mace', or 'ma'} or List[str] Which metric(s) to compute (see above for the definition of each metric). To compute multiple metrics, pass a list of the metric names you'd like to compute. Available metrics are: * ``msce``: mean squared calibration error * ``rmsce``: root mean squared calibration error * ``mace``: mean absolute calibration error * ``ma``: miscalibration area x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model for computing the predictive percentile. Default = 1000 resolution : int Number of confidence levels to evaluate at. This corresponds to the :math:`m` parameter in section 3.5 of (Kuleshov et al., 2018). batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- float or Dict[str, float] The requested calibration metric. If a list of metric names was passed, will return a dict whose keys are the metrics, and whose values are the corresponding metric values. Example ------- Supposing we have some training data (``x_train`` and ``y_train``) and validation data (``x_val`` and ``y_val``), and have already fit a model to the training data, .. code-block:: python3 model = # some ProbFlow model..., y_train) Then we can compute different calibration metrics using :meth:`~expected_calibration_error`. For example, to compute the mean squared calibration error (MSCE): .. code-block:: pycon >>> model.calibration_metric("msce", x_val, y_val) 0.123 Or, to compute the mean absolute calibration error (MACE): .. code-block:: pycon >>> model.calibration_metric("mace", x_val, y_val) 0.211 To compute multiple metrics at the same time, pass a list of metric names: .. code-block:: pycon >>> model.calibration_metric(["msce", "mace"], x_val, y_val) {"msce": 0.123, "mace": 0.211} See also -------- * :meth:`~calibration_curve` * :meth:`~calibration_curve_plot` * :meth:`~sharpness` * :meth:`~dispersion_metric` References ---------- - Volodymyr Kuleshov, Nathan Fenner, and Stefano Ermon. `Accurate Uncertainties for Deep Learning Using Calibrated Regression <>`_, 2018. - Youngseog Chung, Willie Neiswanger, Ian Char, Jeff Schneider. `Beyond Pinball Loss: Quantile Methods for Calibrated Uncertainty Quantification <>`_, 2020. """ p, p_hat = self.calibration_curve( x, y, n=n, resolution=resolution, batch_size=batch_size ) if isinstance(metric, list): return {m: self._calibration_metric(m, p, p_hat) for m in metric} else: return self._calibration_metric(metric, p, p_hat)
[docs] def sharpness(self, x, n=1000, batch_size=None): r"""Compute the sharpness of the model's uncertainty estimates The "sharpness" of a model's uncertainty estimates is the root mean of the estimated variances: .. math:: SHA = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \text{Var}(\hat{Y}_i)} See `Tran et al., 2020 <>`_ and the user guide page on :doc:`/user_guide/evaluating` for discussions of evaluating uncertainty estimates using sharpness, among other metrics. Note that the sharpness should generally be one of the later things you consider - accuracy and calibration usually being more important. Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. n : int Number of samples to draw from the model. Default = 1000 batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- float The sharpness of the model's uncertainty estimates Example ------- Supposing we have some training data (``x_train`` and ``y_train``) and validation data (``x_val`` and ``y_val``), and have already fit a model to the training data, .. code-block:: python3 model = # some ProbFlow model..., y_train) Then we can compute the sharpness of our model's predictions with: .. code-block:: pycon >>> model.sharpness(x_val) 0.173 See also -------- * :meth:`~calibration_metric` * :meth:`~dispersion_metric` References ---------- - Kevin Tran, Willie Neiswanger, Junwoong Yoon, Qingyang Zhang, Eric Xing, Zachary W. Ulissi. `Methods for comparing uncertainty quantifications for material property predictions <>`_, 2020. """ samples = self.predictive_sample(x, n=n, batch_size=batch_size) return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.var(samples, axis=0)))
def _dispersion_metric(self, metric, samples): stds = np.std(samples, axis=0) if metric in ["cv", "cov", "coefficient_of_variation"]: return np.std(stds) / np.mean(stds) elif metric in ["qcd", "qcod", "quartile_coefficient_of_dispersion"]: q1 = np.percentile(stds, 25) q3 = np.percentile(stds, 75) return (q3 - q1) / (q3 + q1) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dispersion metric {metric}")
[docs] def dispersion_metric(self, metric, x, n=1000, batch_size=None): r"""Compute one or more of several calibration metrics Dispersion metrics measure how much a model's uncertainty estimates vary. There are several different dispersion metrics: The **coefficient of variation** (:math:`C_v`) is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (of the model's uncertainty standard deviations): .. math:: C_v = The **quartile coefficient of dispersion** (:math:`QCD`) is less sensitive to outliers, as it simply measures the difference between the first and third quartile (of the model's uncertainty standard deviations) to their sum: .. math:: QCD = \frac{Q_3 - Q_1}{Q_3 + Q_1} See `Tran et al., 2020 <>`_ and the user guide page on :doc:`/user_guide/evaluating` for discussions of evaluating uncertainty estimates using dispersion metrics, among other metrics. Note that dispersion metrics should generally be one of the last things you consider - accuracy, calibration, and sharpness usually being more important. Parameters ---------- metric : str {'cv' or 'qcd'} or List[str] Dispersion metric to compute. Or, x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. n : int Number of samples to draw from the model. Default = 1000 batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- float or Dict[str, float] The requested dispersion metric. If a list of metric names was passed, will return a dict whose keys are the metrics, and whose values are the corresponding metric values. Example ------- Supposing we have some training data (``x_train`` and ``y_train``) and validation data (``x_val`` and ``y_val``), and have already fit a model to the training data, .. code-block:: python3 model = # some ProbFlow model..., y_train) Then we can compute the coefficient of variation of our model's predictions with: .. code-block:: pycon >>> model.dispersion_metric('cv', x_val) 0.732 Or the quartile coefficient of dispersion with: .. code-block:: pycon >>> model.dispersion_metric('qcd', x_val) 0.625 See also -------- * :meth:`~calibration_metric` * :meth:`~sharpness` References ---------- - Kevin Tran, Willie Neiswanger, Junwoong Yoon, Qingyang Zhang, Eric Xing, Zachary W. Ulissi. `Methods for comparing uncertainty quantifications for material property predictions <>`_, 2020. """ samples = self.predictive_sample(x, n=n, batch_size=batch_size) if isinstance(metric, list): return {m: self._dispersion_metric(m, samples) for m in metric} else: return self._dispersion_metric(metric, samples)