Source code for probflow.models.model

from typing import Callable, List, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import probflow.utils.ops as O
from import make_generator
from probflow.modules import Module
from probflow.utils.base import BaseCallback
from probflow.utils.casting import to_numpy
from probflow.utils.metrics import get_metric_fn
from probflow.utils.settings import Sampling, get_backend

[docs]class Model(Module): """Abstract base class for probflow models. TODO Methods ------- This class inherits several methods and properties from :class:`.Module`: * :attr:`~parameters` * :attr:`~modules` * :attr:`~trainable_variables` * :attr:`~n_parameters` * :attr:`~n_variables` * :meth:`~bayesian_update` * :meth:`~kl_loss` * :meth:`~kl_loss_batch` * :meth:`~reset_kl_loss` * :meth:`~add_kl_loss` * :meth:`~dumps` * :meth:`~save` and adds model-specific methods: * :meth:`~log_likelihood` * :meth:`~train_step` * :meth:`~fit` * :meth:`~stop_training` * :meth:`~set_learning_rate` * :meth:`~predictive_sample` * :meth:`~aleatoric_sample` * :meth:`~epistemic_sample` * :meth:`~predict` * :meth:`~metric` * :meth:`~posterior_mean` * :meth:`~posterior_sample` * :meth:`~posterior_ci` * :meth:`~prior_sample` * :meth:`~posterior_plot` * :meth:`~prior_plot` * :meth:`~log_prob` * :meth:`~log_prob_by` * :meth:`~prob` * :meth:`~prob_by` * :meth:`~save` * :meth:`~summary` Example ------- See the user guide section on :doc:`/user_guide/models`. """ # Parameters _optimizer = None _is_training = False _learning_rate = None _kl_weight = 1.0 _current_elbo = None
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, x_data, y_data): """Compute the sum log likelihood of the model given a batch of data""" if x_data is None: log_likelihoods = self().log_prob(y_data) else: log_likelihoods = self(x_data).log_prob(y_data) return O.sum(log_likelihoods, axis=None)
[docs] def elbo_loss(self, x_data, y_data, n: int, n_mc: int): """Compute the negative ELBO, scaled to a single sample. Parameters ---------- x_data The independent variable values (or None if this is a generative model) y_data The dependent variable values n : int Total number of datapoints in the dataset n_mc : int Number of MC samples we're taking from the posteriors """ nb = y_data.shape[0] # number of samples in this batch if n_mc > 1: # first dim is num MC samples if n_mc > 1 x_data = None if x_data is None else O.expand_dims(x_data, 0) y_data = O.expand_dims(y_data, 0) log_loss = self.log_likelihood(x_data, y_data) / nb / n_mc kl_loss = self.kl_loss() / n + self.kl_loss_batch() / nb return self._kl_weight * kl_loss - log_loss
[docs] def get_elbo(self): """Get the current ELBO on training data""" return self._current_elbo
def _train_step_tensorflow(self, n, flipout=False, eager=False, n_mc=1): """Get the training step function for TensorFlow""" import tensorflow as tf def train_fn(x_data, y_data): self.reset_kl_loss() with Sampling(n=n_mc, flipout=flipout): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: elbo_loss = self.elbo_loss(x_data, y_data, n, n_mc) variables = self.trainable_variables gradients = tape.gradient(elbo_loss, variables) self._optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, variables)) return elbo_loss if eager: return train_fn else: return tf.function(train_fn) def _train_step_pytorch(self, n, flipout=False, eager=False, n_mc=1): """Get the training step function for PyTorch""" import torch if eager: def train_fn(x_data, y_data): self.reset_kl_loss() with Sampling(n=n_mc, flipout=flipout): self._optimizer.zero_grad() elbo_loss = self.elbo_loss(x_data, y_data, n, n_mc) elbo_loss.backward() self._optimizer.step() return elbo_loss return train_fn # Use PyTorch tracing, for which we have to build a module :roll_eyes: # and also a caching class for inputs of different sizes, b/c # last batch might have different number of datapoints :vomiting_face: else: class PyTorchModule(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, model): super(PyTorchModule, self).__init__() for i, p in enumerate(model.trainable_variables): setattr(self, str(i), p) self._probflow_model = model def elbo_loss(self, *args): self._probflow_model.reset_kl_loss() with Sampling(n=n_mc, flipout=flipout): if len(args) == 1: elbo_loss = self._probflow_model.elbo_loss( None, args[0], n, n_mc ) else: elbo_loss = self._probflow_model.elbo_loss( args[0], args[1], n, n_mc ) return elbo_loss class TraceCacher: """Cache traces for inputs of different sizes""" def __init__(self, model): self.fns = {} # map from input shapes to traced function self.model = model def get_traced_module(self, *args): shape = "_".join(str(e.shape) for e in args) if shape in self.fns: return self.fns[shape] else: m = PyTorchModule(self.model) inputs = {"elbo_loss": args} self.fns[shape] = torch.jit.trace_module(m, inputs) return self.fns[shape] def __call__(self, *args): self.model._optimizer.zero_grad() traced_module = self.get_traced_module(*args) elbo_loss = traced_module.elbo_loss(*args) elbo_loss.backward() self.model._optimizer.step() return elbo_loss pytorch_trainer = TraceCacher(self) def train_fn(x_data, y_data): if x_data is None: elbo_loss = pytorch_trainer(torch.tensor(y_data)) else: elbo_loss = pytorch_trainer( torch.tensor(x_data), torch.tensor(y_data), ) return elbo_loss return train_fn
[docs] def train_step(self, x_data, y_data): """Perform one training step""" elbo = self._train_fn(x_data, y_data) if get_backend() == "pytorch": self._current_elbo += elbo.detach().numpy() else: self._current_elbo += elbo.numpy()
[docs] def fit( self, x, y=None, batch_size: int = 128, epochs: int = 200, shuffle: bool = False, optimizer=None, optimizer_kwargs: dict = {}, lr: float = None, flipout: bool = True, num_workers: int = None, callbacks: List[BaseCallback] = [], eager: bool = False, n_mc: int = 1, ): r"""Fit the model to data TODO Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values (or, if fitting a generative model, the dependent variable values). Should be of shape (Nsamples,...) y : |None| or |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| Dependent variable values (or, if fitting a generative model, ``None``). Should be of shape (Nsamples,...). Default = ``None`` batch_size : int Number of samples to use per minibatch. Default = ``128`` epochs : int Number of epochs to train the model. Default = ``200`` shuffle : bool Whether to shuffle the data each epoch. Note that this is ignored if ``x`` is a |DataGenerator| Default = ``True`` optimizer : |None| or a backend-specific optimizer What optimizer to use for optimizing the variational posterior distributions' variables. When the backend is |TensorFlow| the default is to use adam (``tf.keras.optimizers.Adam``). When the backend is |PyTorch| the default is to use TODO optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer. Default is an empty dict. lr : float Learning rate for the optimizer. Note that the learning rate can be updated during training using the set_learning_rate method. Default is :math:`\exp (- \log_{10} (N_p N_b))`, where :math:`N_p` is the number of parameters in the model, and :math:`N_b` is the number of samples per batch (``batch_size``). flipout : bool Whether to use flipout during training where possible Default = True num_workers : None or int > 0 Number of parallel processes to run for loading the data. If ``None``, will not use parallel processes. If an integer, will use a process pool with that many processes. Note that this parameter is ignored if a |DataGenerator| is passed as ``x``. Default = None callbacks : List[BaseCallback] List of callbacks to run while training the model. Default is ``[]``, i.e. no callbacks. eager : bool Whether to use eager execution. If False, will use ``tf.function`` (for TensorFlow) or tracing (for PyTorch) to optimize the model fitting. Note that even if eager=True, you can still use eager execution when using the model after it is fit. Default = False n_mc : int Number of monte carlo samples to take from the variational posteriors per minibatch. The default is to just take one per batch. Using a smaller number of MC samples is faster, but using a greater number of MC samples will decrease the variance of the gradients, leading to more stable parameter optimization. Example ------- See the user guide section on :doc:`/user_guide/fitting`. """ # Determine a somewhat reasonable learning rate if none was passed if lr is not None: self._learning_rate = lr elif self._learning_rate is None: default_lr = np.exp(-np.log10(self.n_parameters * batch_size)) self._learning_rate = default_lr # Create DataGenerator from input data if not already self._data = make_generator( x, y, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=num_workers, ) # Use default optimizer if none specified if optimizer is None and self._optimizer is None: if get_backend() == "pytorch": import torch self._optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( self.trainable_variables, lr=self._learning_rate, **optimizer_kwargs ) else: import tensorflow as tf self._optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam( lambda: self._learning_rate, **optimizer_kwargs ) # Use eager if input type is dataframe or series eager_types = (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) if any(isinstance(e, eager_types) for e in self._data.get_batch(0)): eager = True # Create a function to perform one training step if get_backend() == "pytorch": self._train_fn = self._train_step_pytorch( self._data.n_samples, flipout, eager=eager, n_mc=n_mc ) else: self._train_fn = self._train_step_tensorflow( self._data.n_samples, flipout, eager=eager, n_mc=n_mc ) # Assign model param to callbacks for c in callbacks: c.model = self # Run callbacks at start of training self._is_training = True for c in callbacks: c.on_train_start() # Fit the model! for i in range(int(epochs)): # Stop training early? if not self._is_training: break # Run callbacks at start of epoch self._current_elbo = 0.0 self._data.on_epoch_start() for c in callbacks: c.on_epoch_start() # Update gradients for each batch for x_data, y_data in self._data: self.train_step(x_data, y_data) # Run callbacks at end of epoch self._data.on_epoch_end() for c in callbacks: c.on_epoch_end() # Run callbacks at end of training self._is_training = False for c in callbacks: c.on_train_end()
[docs] def stop_training(self): """Stop the training of the model""" self._is_training = False
[docs] def set_learning_rate(self, lr): """Set the learning rate used by this model's optimizer""" if not isinstance(lr, float): raise TypeError("lr must be a float") else: self._learning_rate = lr if get_backend() == "pytorch": for g in self._optimizer.param_groups: g["lr"] = self._learning_rate
[docs] def set_kl_weight(self, w): """Set the weight of the KL term's contribution to the ELBO loss""" if not isinstance(w, float): raise TypeError("w must be a float") else: self._kl_weight = w
def _sample(self, x, func, ed=None, axis=1, batch_size=None): """Sample from the model""" samples = [] for x_data, y_data in make_generator( x, test=True, batch_size=batch_size ): if x_data is None: samples += [func(self())] else: samples += [func(self(O.expand_dims(x_data, ed)))] return np.concatenate(to_numpy(samples), axis=axis)
[docs] def predictive_sample(self, x=None, n=1000, batch_size=None): """Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution given x TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model per datapoint. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- |ndarray| Samples from the predictive distribution. Size (num_samples, x.shape[0], ...) """ with Sampling(n=n, flipout=False): return self._sample( x, lambda x: x.sample(), ed=0, batch_size=batch_size )
[docs] def aleatoric_sample(self, x=None, n=1000, batch_size=None): """Draw samples of the model's estimate given x, including only aleatoric uncertainty (uncertainty due to noise) TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model per datapoint. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- |ndarray| Samples from the predicted mean distribution. Size (num_samples,x.shape[0],...) """ return self._sample(x, lambda x: x.sample(n=n), batch_size=batch_size)
[docs] def epistemic_sample(self, x=None, n=1000, batch_size=None): """Draw samples of the model's estimate given x, including only epistemic uncertainty (uncertainty due to uncertainty as to the model's parameter values) TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). n : int Number of samples to draw from the model per datapoint. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- |ndarray| Samples from the predicted mean distribution. Size (num_samples, x.shape[0], ...) """ with Sampling(n=n, flipout=False): return self._sample( x, lambda x: x.mean(), ed=0, batch_size=batch_size )
[docs] def predict(self, x=None, method="mean", batch_size=None): """Predict dependent variable using the model TODO... using maximum a posteriori param estimates etc Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). method : str Method to use for prediction. If ``'mean'``, uses the mean of the predicted target distribution as the prediction. If ``'mode'``, uses the mode of the distribution. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- |ndarray| Predicted y-value for each sample in ``x``. Of size (x.shape[0], y.shape[0], ..., y.shape[-1]) Examples -------- TODO: Docs... """ if method == "mean": return self._sample( x, lambda x: x.mean(), axis=0, batch_size=batch_size ) elif method == "mode": return self._sample( x, lambda x: x.mode(), axis=0, batch_size=batch_size ) else: raise ValueError("unknown method " + str(method))
[docs] def metric(self, metric, x, y=None, batch_size=None): """Compute a metric of model performance TODO: docs TODO: note that this doesn't work w/ generative models Parameters ---------- metric : str or callable Metric to evaluate. Available metrics: * 'lp': log likelihood sum * 'log_prob': log likelihood sum * 'accuracy': accuracy * 'acc': accuracy * 'mean_squared_error': mean squared error * 'mse': mean squared error * 'sum_squared_error': sum squared error * 'sse': sum squared error * 'mean_absolute_error': mean absolute error * 'mae': mean absolute error * 'r_squared': coefficient of determination * 'r2': coefficient of determination * 'recall': true positive rate * 'sensitivity': true positive rate * 'true_positive_rate': true positive rate * 'tpr': true positive rate * 'specificity': true negative rate * 'selectivity': true negative rate * 'true_negative_rate': true negative rate * 'tnr': true negative rate * 'precision': precision * 'f1_score': F-measure * 'f1': F-measure * callable: a function which takes (y_true, y_pred) x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| to generate both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- TODO """ # Get true values and predictions y_true = [] y_pred = [] for x_data, y_data in make_generator( x, y, test=True, batch_size=batch_size ): y_true += [y_data] y_pred += [self(x_data).mean()] y_true = np.concatenate(to_numpy(y_true), axis=0) y_pred = np.concatenate(to_numpy(y_pred), axis=0) # Compute metric between true values and predictions metric_fn = get_metric_fn(metric) return metric_fn(y_true, y_pred)
def _param_data(self, params: Union[str, List[str], None], func: Callable): """Get data about parameters in the model""" if isinstance(params, str): return [func(p) for p in self.parameters if == params][0] elif isinstance(params, list): return { func(p) for p in self.parameters if in params } else: return { func(p) for p in self.parameters}
[docs] def posterior_mean(self, params=None): """Get the mean of the posterior distribution(s) TODO: Docs... params is a list of strings of params to plot Parameters ---------- params : str or List[str] or None Parameter name(s) for which to compute the means. Default is to get the mean for all parameters in the model. Returns ------- dict Means of the parameter posterior distributions. A dictionary where the keys contain the parameter names and the values contain |ndarrays| with the posterior means. The |ndarrays| are the same size as each parameter. Or just the |ndarray| if ``params`` was a str. """ return self._param_data(params, lambda x: x.posterior_mean())
[docs] def posterior_sample(self, params=None, n=10000): """Draw samples from parameter posteriors TODO: Docs... params is a list of strings of params to plot Parameters ---------- params : str or List[str] or None Parameter name(s) to sample. Default is to get a sample for all parameters in the model. num_samples : int Number of samples to take from each posterior distribution. Default = 1000 Returns ------- dict Samples from the parameter posterior distributions. A dictionary where the keys contain the parameter names and the values contain |ndarrays| with the posterior samples. The |ndarrays| are of size (``num_samples``, param.shape). Or just the |ndarray| if ``params`` was a str. """ return self._param_data(params, lambda x: x.posterior_sample(n=n))
[docs] def posterior_ci(self, params=None, ci=0.95, n=10000): """Posterior confidence intervals TODO: Docs... params is a list of strings of params to plot Parameters ---------- params : str or List[str] or None Parameter name(s) to sample. Default is to get the confidence intervals for all parameters in the model. ci : float Confidence interval for which to compute the upper and lower bounds. Must be between 0 and 1. Default = 0.95 n : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distributions for computing the confidence intervals Default = 10,000 Returns ------- dict Confidence intervals of the parameter posterior distributions. A dictionary where the keys contain the parameter names and the values contain tuples. The first element of each tuple is the lower bound, and the second element is the upper bound. Or just a single tuple if params was a str """ return self._param_data(params, lambda x: x.posterior_ci(ci=ci, n=n))
[docs] def prior_sample(self, params=None, n=10000): """Draw samples from parameter priors TODO: Docs... params is a list of strings of params to plot Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameter names to sample. Each element should be a str. Default is to sample priors of all parameters in the model. n : int Number of samples to take from each prior distribution. Default = 10000 Returns ------- dict Samples from the parameter prior distributions. A dictionary where the keys contain the parameter names and the values contain |ndarrays| with the prior samples. The |ndarrays| are of size (``n``,param.shape). """ return self._param_data(params, lambda x: x.prior_sample(n=n))
def _param_plot( self, func: Callable, params: Union[None, List[str]] = None, cols: int = 1, tight_layout: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Plot parameter data""" if params is None: param_list = self.parameters else: param_list = [p for p in self.parameters if in params] rows = int(np.ceil(len(param_list) / cols)) for iP in range(len(param_list)): plt.subplot(rows, cols, iP + 1) func(param_list[iP]) if tight_layout: plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def posterior_plot(self, params=None, cols=1, **kwargs): """Plot posterior distributions of the model's parameters TODO: Docs... params is a list of strings of params to plot Parameters ---------- params : str or list or None List of names of parameters to plot. Default is to plot the posterior of all parameters in the model. cols : int Divide the subplots into a grid with this many columns. kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`.Parameter.posterior_plot` """ self._param_plot(lambda x: x.posterior_plot(**kwargs), params, cols)
[docs] def prior_plot(self, params=None, cols=1, **kwargs): """Plot prior distributions of the model's parameters TODO: Docs... params is a list of strings of params to plot Parameters ---------- params : str or list or None List of names of parameters to plot. Default is to plot the prior of all parameters in the model. cols : int Divide the subplots into a grid with this many columns. kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`.Parameter.prior_plot` """ self._param_plot(lambda x: x.prior_plot(**kwargs), params, cols)
[docs] def log_prob( self, x, y=None, individually=True, distribution=False, n=1000, batch_size=None, ): """Compute the log probability of `y` given the model TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). individually : bool If ``individually`` is True, returns log probability for each sample individually, so return shape is ``(x.shape[0], ?)``. If ``individually`` is False, returns sum of all log probabilities, so return shape is ``(1, ?)``. distribution : bool If ``distribution`` is True, returns log probability posterior distribution (``n`` samples from the model), so return shape is ``(?, n)``. If ``distribution`` is False, returns log posterior probabilities using the maximum a posteriori estimate for each parameter, so the return shape is ``(?, 1)``. n : int Number of samples to draw for each distribution if ``distribution=True``. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- log_probs : |ndarray| Log probabilities. Shape is determined by ``individually``, ``distribution``, and ``n`` kwargs. """ # Get a distribution of samples if distribution: with Sampling(n=1, flipout=False): probs = [] for i in range(n): t_probs = [] for x_data, y_data in make_generator( x, y, batch_size=batch_size ): if x_data is None: t_probs += [self().log_prob(y_data)] else: t_probs += [self(x_data).log_prob(y_data)] probs += [np.concatenate(to_numpy(t_probs), axis=0)] probs = np.stack(to_numpy(probs), axis=probs[0].ndim) # Use MAP estimates else: probs = [] for x_data, y_data in make_generator(x, y, batch_size=batch_size): if x_data is None: probs += [self().log_prob(y_data)] else: probs += [self(x_data).log_prob(y_data)] probs = np.concatenate(to_numpy(probs), axis=0) # Return log prob of each sample or sum of log probs if individually: return probs else: return np.sum(probs, axis=0)
[docs] def prob(self, x, y=None, **kwargs): """Compute the probability of ``y`` given the model TODO: Docs... Parameters ---------- x : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor or |DataGenerator| Independent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "features"). Or a |DataGenerator| for both x and y. y : |ndarray| or |DataFrame| or |Series| or Tensor Dependent variable values of the dataset to evaluate (aka the "target"). individually : bool If ``individually`` is True, returns probability for each sample individually, so return shape is ``(x.shape[0], ?)``. If ``individually`` is False, returns product of all probabilities, so return shape is ``(1, ?)``. distribution : bool If ``distribution`` is True, returns posterior probability distribution (``n`` samples from the model), so return shape is ``(?, n)``. If ``distribution`` is False, returns posterior probabilities using the maximum a posteriori estimate for each parameter, so the return shape is ``(?, 1)``. n : int Number of samples to draw for each distribution if ``distribution=True``. batch_size : None or int Compute using batches of this many datapoints. Default is `None` (i.e., do not use batching). Returns ------- probs : |ndarray| Probabilities. Shape is determined by ``individually``, ``distribution``, and ``n`` kwargs. """ return np.exp(self.log_prob(x, y, **kwargs))
[docs] def summary(self): """Show a summary of the model and its parameters. TODO TODO: though maybe this should be a method of module... model would have to add to it the observation dist """