Source code for probflow.parameters.centered_parameter

from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np

import probflow.utils.ops as O
from probflow.distributions import Normal
from probflow.utils.casting import to_default_dtype, to_tensor

from .parameter import Parameter

[docs]class CenteredParameter(Parameter): r"""A vector of parameters centered at 0. Uses a QR decomposition to transform a vector of :math:`K-1` unconstrained parameters into a vector of :math:`K` variables centered at zero (i.e. the mean of the elements in the vector is 0). It starts with a :math:`K \times K` matrix :math:`A` which has :math:`1`s along the diagonal and :math:`-1`s along the bottom - except for the bottom-right element which is :math:`0`: .. math:: \mathbf{A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & \dots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & & 0 & 0 \\ \vdots & & \ddots & & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \dots & 1 & 0 \\ -1 & -1 & \dots & -1 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} The :math:`QR` decomposition is performed on this matrix such that .. math:: \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{Q} \mathbf{R} A vector of :math:`K-1` unconstrained variables :math:`\mathbf{u}` is then transformed into a vector :math:`\mathbf{v}` of :math:`K` centered variables by .. math:: \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{Q}_{1:K, 1:K-1} \mathbf{u} The prior on the untransformed variables is .. math:: \mathbf{u} \sim \text{Normal}(0, \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{1}{K}}}) Such that the effective prior on the transformed parameters works out to be .. math:: \mathbf{v} \sim \text{Normal}(0, 1) .. admonition:: Prior is fixed! Note that the prior on the parameters is fixed at :math:`\text{Normal}(0, 1)`. This is because the true prior is being placed on the untransformed parameters (see above). Parameters ---------- d : int or list Length of the parameter vector, or shape of the parameter matrix. center_by : str {'all', 'column', 'row'} If ``all`` (the default), the sum of all parameters in the resulting vector or matrix will be 0. If ``column``, the sum of each column will be 0 (but the sum across rows will not necessarily be 0). If ``row``, the sum of each row will be 0 (but the sum across columns will not necessarily be 0). name : str Name of the parameter(s). Default = ``'CenteredParameter'`` Examples -------- TODO """ def __init__( self, shape: Union[int, List[int]], center_by: str = "all", name="CenteredParameter", ): # Get a list representing the shape if isinstance(shape, int): shape = [shape] if len(shape) == 1: shape += [1] if len(shape) > 2: raise ValueError( "Only vector and matrix CenteredParameters are supported" ) # Get the untransformed shape of the parameters if center_by == "row": K = shape[1] raw_shape = [K - 1, shape[0]] elif center_by == "column": K = shape[0] raw_shape = [K - 1, shape[1]] else: K = shape[0] * shape[1] raw_shape = [K - 1, 1] # Prior on the untransformed parameters scale = float(1.0 / np.sqrt(1 - 1.0 / K)) prior = Normal(0, scale) # Precompute matrix by which we'll multiply the untransformed params A = np.eye(K) A[-1, :] = -1.0 A[-1, -1] = 0.0 Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(A) self._A_qr = to_default_dtype(to_tensor(Q[:, :-1])) # Transform function def A_qr_transform(u): if center_by == "row": return O.transpose(self._A_qr @ u) elif center_by == "all" and shape[1] > 1: new_shape = list(u.shape) # to handle samples / n_mc > 1 new_shape[-1] = shape[-1] new_shape[-2] = shape[-2] return O.reshape(self._A_qr @ u, new_shape) else: return self._A_qr @ u super().__init__( shape=raw_shape, posterior=Normal, prior=prior, transform=A_qr_transform, name=name, )