Fitting a Model


  • basic example of fitting w/ numpy arrays

  • fitting changing the batch_size, epochs, lr, and shuffle

  • fitting w/ a custom optimizer and/or optimizer kwargs

  • fitting w/ or w/o flipout

  • passing a pandas dataframe

  • passing a DataGenerator to fit

Using multiple MC samples per batch

By default, ProbFlow uses only one Monte Carlo sample from the variational posteriors per batch. However, you can use more by passing the n_mc keyword argument to For example, to use 10 MC samples during training:

model = pf.LinearRegression(x.shape[1]), y, n_mc=10)

Using more MC samples will cause the fit to take longer, but the parameter optimization will be much more stable because the variance of the gradients will be less.

Note that Dense modules, which use the flipout estimator by default, will not use flipout when n_mc > 1.

Backend graph optimization during fitting

By default, ProbFlow uses tf.function (for TensorFlow) or tracing (for PyTorch) to optimize the gradient computations during training. This generally makes training faster.

N = 1024
D = 7
randn = lambda *a: np.random.randn(*a).astype('float32')
x = randn(N, D)
w = randn(D, 1)
y = x@w + 0.1*randn(N, 1)

model = pf.LinearRegression(D), y)
# takes around 5s

But to disable autograph/tracing and use only eager execution during model fitting, just pass the eager=True kwarg to fit. This takes longer but can be more flexible in certiain situations that autograph/tracing can’t handle., y, eager=True)
# takes around 28s


When inputs are DataFrames or Series it is not possible to use tracing or tf.function, so ProbFlow falls back on eager execution by defualt when the input data are DataFrames or Series

It’s much easier to debug models in eager mode, since you can step through your own code using pdb, instead of trying to step through the tensorflow or pytorch compilation functions. So, if you’re getting an error when fitting your model and want to debug the problem, try using eager=True when calling fit.

However, eager mode is used for all other ProbFlow functionality (e.g. Model.predict(), Model.predictive_sample(), Model.metric(), Model.posterior_sample(), etc). If you want an optimized version of one of ProbFlow’s inference-time methods, for TensorFlow you can wrap it in a tf.function:

def fast_predict(X):
    return model.predict(X)


Or for PyTorch, use torch.jit.trace:

def predict_fn(X):
    return model.predict(X)

fast_predict = torch.jit.trace(predict_fn, (example_x))
