Bayesian Modeling

This is just a brief high-level intro to Bayesian modeling, including what a “Bayesian model” is, and why and when they’re useful. To jump to how to use ProbFlow to work with Bayesian models, skip to Selecting a Backend and Datatype.

A statistical model represents how data are generated. There are different kinds of models - such as discriminative models (where the model tries to predict some target \(y\) based on features \(x\)), or generative models (where the model is just trying to determine how some target data is generated, without necessarily any features to inform it) - but the common theme is that a model embodies the process by which data is generated, and some assumptions about how that happens.

For example, a linear regression is a simple discriminative model - we’re fitting a line to data points so that given any \(x\) value, we can predict the corresponding \(y\) value.


Most models have parameters, which are values that define the model’s predictions. With a linear regression model, there are two parameters which define the shape of the line: the intercept (\(b\)) and the slope (\(m\)).


To fit a normal non-Bayesian model, we would want to find the parameters which allow the model to best predict the data. In the case of the linear regression, we want to find the best slope value and the best intercept value, such that the line best fits the data.

But how do we know that a certain value for any parameter really is the “true” value? In the linear regression example above, the best-fit line has an intercept of 0.8, but surely those points could have been generated from a line with an intercept of 1.0? Or even conceivably 1.5, or 2! Though those intercepts seem increasingly unlikely.

With a probabilistic model, instead of simply looking for the single “best” value for each parameter, we want to know how likely any parameter value is. That is, we want to find a probability distribution over possible parameter values.


The Bayesian framework adds another layer to probabilistic modeling. With Bayesian analysis, we also specify a “prior” distribution for each parameter - that is, the probability distribution which we expect the parameter to take, before having seen any of the data. Then, there’s the probability distribution over parameter values the data (together with the model) suggests the parameter should take - this is the “likelihood” distribution. Bayesian analysis combines the prior and likelihood distributions in a mathematically sound way to create what’s called the “posterior” distribution - the probability distribution over a parameter’s value to which we should update our beliefs after having taken into account the data.

With a Bayesian analysis, when we have a lot of data and that data suggests the true parameter value is different than what we expected, that evidence overwhelms our prior beliefs, and the posterior will more strongly reflect the likelihood than the prior distribution. On the other hand, if there isn’t much data or if the data is very noisy, the meager evidence shouldn’t be enough to convince us our priors were wrong, and the posterior will more strongly reflect the prior distribution.


There are a few different methods for fitting Bayesian models. Simple models can be solved analytically, but for more complicated models we have to settle for approximations of the posterior distributions. Markov chain monte carlo (MCMC) is one method which uses sampling to estimate the posterior distribution, and is usually very accurate, but can also be very slow for large models or with large datasets. Variational inference is a different method which uses simple distributions to approximate the posteriors. While this means variational inference is often not as accurate as MCMC (because the simple variational posterior can’t always perfectly match the true posterior), it is usually much faster. Even faster is the method ProbFlow uses to fit models, called stochastic variational inference via “Bayes by backprop”.

From a scientific standpoint, Bayesian modeling and analysis encourages being transparent about your assumptions, and shifts the focus to probabilistic interpretations of analysis results, instead of thinking of results in terms of binary it-is-or-it-isn’t “significance”.

But from a practical or engineering standpoint, why use a probabilistic Bayesian model instead of just a normal one? Bayesian models get you certain information you can’t get from a normal model:

  • Parameter uncertainty. The posterior distributions give information as to how uncertain we should be about the values of specific parameters.

  • Predictive uncertainty. The predictions of Bayesian models are also probabilistic. While they can just predict the most likely target value given some features, they are also able to output probability distributions over the expected target value. This can be handy when you need to know how confident your model is in its predictions.

  • The ability to separate uncertainty from different sources. There are different sources of uncertainty in a model. Two main types are epistemic uncertainty (uncertainty due to not having enough data, and therefore having uncertainty as to the true parameter values) and aleatoric uncertainty (uncertainty due to noise, or at least due to factors we can’t or haven’t measured). Bayesian models allow you to determine how much uncertainty is due to each of these causes. If epistemic uncertainty dominates, collecting more data will improve your model’s performance. But if aleatoric uncertainty dominates, you should consider collecting different data (or accepting that you’ve done your best!).

  • Built-in regularization. Both the strength of priors, and the random sampling used during stochastic variational inference, provide strong regularization and make it more difficult for Bayesian models to overfit.

  • The ability to inject domain knowledge into models. Priors can be used to add domain knowledge to Bayesian models by biasing parameter posteriors towards values which experts believe are more valid or likely.

  • Provides a framework for making decisions using your model’s probabilistic predictions via Bayesian decision theory.

However, there are a few important disadvantages to using Bayesian models:

  • Computation time. Bayesian models nearly always take longer to fit than non-probabilistic, non-Bayesian version of the same model.

  • Prior choices are left up to you, and they affect the result. The choice of the parameters’ priors have to be made by the person building the model, and it’s usually best to use somewhat informative priors. Unfortunately, the prior can bias the result! So the result of a Bayesian analysis is never really “unbiased.”

  • Harder to debug. Bayesian models often take more time and effort to get working correctly than, say, gradient boosted decision trees or a simple t-test. You have to decide whether that time is worth it for the advantages using a Bayesian model can have for your application.

This has been a quick and very non-formal intro to Bayesian modeling, but for an actual introduction, some things I’d suggest taking a look at: