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Parameters are values which characterize the behavior of a model. For example, the intercept and slope of the best-fit line in a linear regression are the parameters of that linear regression model. When fitting a model, we want to find the values of the parameters which best allow the model to explain the data. However, with Bayesian modeling we want not only to find the single best value for each parameter, but a probability distribution which describes how likely any given value of a parameter is to be the best or true value.

Parameters have both priors (probability distributions which describe how likely we think different values for the parameter are before taking into consideration the current data), and posteriors (probability distributions which describe how likely we think different values for the parameter are after taking into consideration the current data). The prior is set to a specific distribution before fitting the model. While the type of distribution used for the posterior is set before fitting the model, the shape of that distribution (the value of the variables which define the distribution’s shape) is optimized while fitting the model. See the Mathematical Details section for more info.

Creating a Parameter

To create a parameter, create an instance of the Parameter class:

import probflow as pf
param = pf.Parameter()

The parameter can be given a unique name via the name keyword argument, which will be shown when plotting information about the parameter:

param = pf.Parameter(name='weight')

You can also create an array of independent parameters of the same type using the shape keyword argument. For example, to create a vector of 3 independent parameters,

param = pf.Parameter(shape=3)

or a \(5 \times 3\) matrix of parameters:

param = pf.Parameter(shape=[5, 3])

Specifying the Variational Posterior

To set what distribution to use as the variational posterior for a parameter, pass a Distribution class to the posterior keyword argument of the parameter when initializing that parameter. For example, to create a parameter which uses a normal distribution for its variational posterior:

param = pf.Parameter(posterior=pf.Normal)

The default variational posterior on a parameter is a Normal distribution, but this can be changed to any Distribution class. For example, to instead create a parameter which uses a Cauchy distribution as the variational posterior:

param = pf.Parameter(posterior=pf.Cauchy)

Setting the Prior

To set the prior on a parameter, pass a Distribution object to the prior keyword argument of the constructor when initializing that parameter. For example, to create a parameter with a prior of \(\text{Normal(0, 1)}\):

param = pf.Parameter(prior=pf.Normal(0, 1))

The default prior on a parameter is a Normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. However, we can manually set the prior on any parameter to be any Distribution (with any parameters). The only limitation is that the backend must be able to analytically compute the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the prior and the posterior (which is usually possible as long as you use the same type of distribution for both the prior and posterior).

Transforming Parameters

Sometimes it’s useful to transform the samples from a parameter after sampling from the variational posterior distribution. You could do this manually each time, of course, but for convenience ProbFlow provides a transform keyword argument. The transform should be a function which uses operations from your backend (either TensorFlow or PyTorch) to transform the sample values.

For example, a parameter which uses a normal distribution as the variational posterior will have posterior samples above and below zero:

param = pf.Parameter()

But if we initialize a parameter with a softplus transform, the samples will all be greater than zero (because the samples were piped through the softplus function):

import tensorflow as tf
param = pf.Parameter(transform=tf.nn.softplus)

One thing to note is that the transform only applies to samples from the variational posterior distribution, and doesn’t transform both the prior and posterior distributions with a Jacobian adjustment. So, make sure the prior and untransformed posterior are in the same space! I.e. if you’re using a Normal variational posterior with an exponential transform, you should use a Normal prior, not a LogNormal prior.

Setting the variable initializers

The posterior distributions have one or more variables which determine the shape of the distribution (these are the variables which are optimized over the course of training). You can set how the values of the variables are initialized at the beginning of training. The default is to use Xavier initialization (aka Glorot initialization) for the mean of the default Normal posterior distribution, and a shifted Xavier initializer for the standard deviation variable.

To use a custom initializer, use the initializer keyword argument to the parameter constructor. Pass a dictionary where the keys are the variable names and the values are functions which have one argument - the parameter’s shape - and return a tensor of initial values. For example, to create a matrix of parameters with Normal priors and posteriors, and initialize the posterior’s loc (the mean) variable by drawing values from a normal distribution, and the scale (the standard deviation) parameter with all ones:

def randn_fn(shape):
    return tf.random.normal(shape)

def ones_fn(shape):
    return tf.ones(shape)

init_dict = {'loc': randn_fn, 'scale': ones_fn}
param = pf.Parameter(initializer=init_dict)

Setting the variable transforms

The raw untransformed variables can be transformed before they are used to construct the variational posterior. This comes in handy when you want the underlying variables which are being optimized to be unconstrained, but require the variables to take certain values to construct the variational posterior.

For example, if we’re using a normal distribution as the variational posterior for a parameter, we need the standard deviation parameter to be positive (because the variance can’t be negative!). But, we want to optimize the variable in unconstrained space. In this case, we can use a softplus function to transform the unconstrained (raw) variable into a value which is always positive. To define what transforms to use for each unconstrained variable, pass a dictionary to the var_transform keyword argument when initializing a parameter, where the keys are strings (the names of the variables) and the values are callables (the transforms to apply, note that these transforms must use only backend operations).

transforms = {'loc': None, 'scale': tf.nn.softplus}

param = pf.Parameter(initializer=init_dict,

There’s no transformation for the loc variable because that variable can take any value, and so it doesn’t need to be transformed.

The transforms in the example above are the default transforms for a Parameter, which assumes a Gaussian variational posterior.

The var_transform keyword argument can be used with more complicated functions, for example see the implementation of MultivariateNormalParameter which uses var_transform to implement the log Cholesky reparameterization, which transforms \(N(N+1)/2\) unconstrained variables in to a \(N \times N\) covariance matrix.

Working with Parameters

After a parameter is created, you can take samples from its variational posterior, as well as examine and plot the posterior and priors.

Sampling from a Parameter’s variational posterior

Parameters return a sample from their variational posterior when called, as a backend tensor:

>>> param = pf.Parameter()
>>> param()
<tf.Tensor: shape=(1,), dtype=float32, numpy=array([1.516305])>

This method should be used for sampling from parameters’ posteriors inside a model, because it returns a backend tensor. Depending on the context, the sample will either be a random sample from the variational distribution (used during model fitting, drawing epistemic samples, or predictive samples) or the variational posterior’s mean (used during prediction, drawing aleatoric samples, and computing the residuals). See creating a model for more info.

Sampling from the variational posterior via slicing

You can also index a parameter to take a slice of a sample from the parameter’s variational posterior distribution. For example, if you have a parameter matrix,

param = pf.Parameter(shape=[5, 3])

Then slicing it will yield samples from the variational posteriors. That is, doing param[<some_slice>] is equivalent to doing param()[<some_slice>]. For example,

>>> assert param[:, :] == param()
>>> param[0, :]  # -> shape (3,)
[1.23, 4.56, 7.89]
>>> param[:, 1]  # -> shape (5,)
[1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8, 9.0]
>>> param[:2, :]  # -> shape (2,3)
[[1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8, 9.0],
 [1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8, 9.0]]

This will even work with vectors of indexes as slices, for example:

ix = tf.constant([0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 4, 3])
param = pf.Parameter(shape=[5, 3])
sample = param[ix, :]

#sample is a tf.Tensor
#sample.shape == (7, 3)
#sample[0, :] == sample[3, :]
#sample[1, :] == sample[2, :]

Examining a Parameter’s variational posterior

To get the mean of a parameter as a numpy array (not as a backend tensor), use the posterior_mean method:

param = pf.Parameter()
mean = param.posterior_mean()

To get a sample from the variational posterior distribution as a numpy array (as opposed to getting a sample as a backend tensor using __call__), use the posterior_sample method:

sample = param.posterior_sample()
# sample is a scalar ndarray

To specify how many samples to get, use the n keyword argument:

samples = param.posterior_sample(n=1000)
# samples is a ndarray with shape (1000,)

To compute confidence intervals on a parameter’s posterior, use the posterior_ci method:

lb, ub = param.posterior_ci()
#lb is lower bound on 95% confidence interval
#ub is upper bound

The default is to compute the 95% confidence interval using 10,000 samples from the posterior, but these defaults can be changed with the ci and n keyword arguments. For example, to compute the 80% confidence interval using 100k samples,

lb, ub = param.posterior_ci(ci=0.8, n=100000)

To plot the variational posterior distribution, use the posterior_plot method:


To plot confidence intervals, use the ci keyword argument. For example, to plot the 90% confidence intervals:


The default plot style is a kernel-density-estimated distribution, but this can be changed with the style keyword. For example, to plot with the histogram style:

param.posterior_plot(style='hist', ci=0.9)

Or just using plain lines:


Examining a Parameter’s prior

Similarly, you can take samples from a parameter’s prior distribution using the prior_sample method:

samples = param.prior_sample(n=1000)
# samples is a ndarray with shape (1000,)

And you can plot the prior distribution using the prior_plot method:


Bayesian updating

Bayesian updating consists of updating a Parameter’s prior to match its posterior distribution, after having observed some data. This is, after all, the main point of Bayesian inference! Because ProbFlow uses variational inference, both these distributions have an analytical form (i.e. they’re both known probability distributions with known parameters - not a set of MCMC samples or something), and so we can literally just set the prior distribution’s variables to be equal to the current posterior distribution’s variables!

To perform a Bayesian update on a Parameter, just use the Parameter.bayesian_update() method. For example, suppose we have some parameter which has some prior distribution:

initializer={"loc": 2, "scale": -1}

param = pf.Parameter(initializer=initializer)

The posterior distribution differs from the prior (in this example, simply because of its initialization, but in practice this will be because we’ve fit the model to some data and thus the likelihood has pulled the posterior away from the prior):


We can perform a Bayesian update by using the Model.bayesian_update() method:


Now, the prior has been udpated to match the current posterior:


However in practice, you probably won’t need to perform Bayesian updates of parameters individually. Usually, you’ll fit a model to some data, then call Model.bayesian_update() on that model (which updates all the parameters in the model), then fit the model to more, new, data, etc. See the user guide entry for performing a Bayesian update on a model.

Specialized Parameters

ProbFlow includes several specialized types of parameters. These are all just parameters with specialized default posterior types, priors, initializers, and transforms, etc, which are suited for that parameter type.

Scale Parameter

TL;DR: to make a standard deviation parameter, use the ScaleParameter class:

std_dev = pf.ScaleParameter()

A parameter which comes up often in Bayesian modeling is a “scale” parameter. For example, the standard deviation (\(\sigma\)) in a linear regression with normally-distributed noise:

\[p(y~|~x) = \mathcal{N}(\beta x + \beta_0, ~ \sigma)\]

This \(\sigma\) parameter cannot take values below 0, because the standard deviation cannot be negative. So, we can’t use the default posterior and prior for a parameter (which is a Normal distribution for the posterior and Normal(0, 1) for the prior), because this default allows negative values.

In Bayesian modeling, the gamma distribution is often used as a posterior for the precision. The precision is the reciprocal of the variance, and so the inverse gamma distribution can be used as a variational posterior for the variance.

However, many models are parameterized in terms of the standard deviation, which is the square root of the variance. So, to create a standard deviation parameter, we could first construct a variance parameter (\(\sigma^2\)) which uses an inverse gamma distribution as its variational posterior:

\[\sigma^2 \sim \text{InverseGamma}(\alpha, \beta)\]

and then transform this into a standard deviation parameter (\(\sigma\)):

\[\sigma = \sqrt{\sigma^2}\]

This could be accomplished with ProbFlow by setting the posterior and the prior to InverseGamma, which means we would also have to specify the initializers and variable transformations accordingly, and then transform the parameter with a square root:

def randn(shape):
    return tf.random.normal(shape)

std_dev = pf.Parameter(posterior=pf.InverseGamma,
                       prior=pf.InverseGamma(5, 5),
                       transform=lambda x: tf.sqrt(x),
                       initializer={'concentration': randn,
                                    'scale': randn},
                       var_transform={'concentration': tf.nn.softplus,
                                      'scale': tf.nn.softplus})

Since that’s such a pain, ProbFlow provides a ScaleParameter class which automatically creates a parameter with the above variational posterior and transforms, etc. This makes it much easier to create a scale parameter:

std_dev = pf.ScaleParameter()

Categorical Parameter

Another type of specialized parameter provided by ProbFlow is the CategoricalParameter, which uses a categorical distribution as the variational posterior, and a uniform categorical prior.

To specify how many categories the parameter represents, use the k keyword argument. For example, to create a categorical parameter which takes one of three classes,

>>> cat_param = pf.CategoricalParameter(k=3)
>>> cat_param.posterior_sample(n=10)
array([1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=int32)

The shape keyword argument can be used as with a normal parameter:

>>> cat_param = pf.CategoricalParameter(k=3, shape=5)
>>> cat_param.posterior_sample()
array([1, 1, 1, 0, 2], dtype=int32)
>>> cat_param.posterior_sample(n=10)
array([[0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
       [0, 0, 2, 0, 2],
       [1, 2, 1, 1, 0],
       [1, 2, 1, 0, 0],
       [0, 2, 0, 2, 0],
       [1, 0, 0, 2, 0],
       [1, 1, 0, 0, 2],
       [0, 2, 1, 0, 0],
       [2, 0, 2, 1, 1],
       [2, 0, 0, 1, 2]], dtype=int32)

Dirichlet Parameter

The DirichletParameter is similar to the Categorical parameter, except it uses the Dirichlet distribution as the variational posterior, and a uniform Dirichlet prior. This means that samples from this parameter return categorical probability distributions, not samples from a categorical distribution. The k keyword argument controls how many categories the parameter represents:

>>> param = pf.DirichletParameter(k=3)
>>> param.posterior_sample()
array([0.46866438, 0.10728444, 0.4240512 ], dtype=float32)
>>> param.posterior_sample(n=2)
array([[0.7168123 , 0.04725884, 0.2359289 ],
       [0.17213224, 0.3357264 , 0.4921414 ]], dtype=float32)

And the shape keyword argument can be used to set the size of the parameter array as usual:

>>> param = pf.DirichletParameter(k=2, shape=3)
>>> param.posterior_sample()
array([[0.59154356, 0.40845647],
       [0.31525746, 0.68474257],
       [0.20236614, 0.7976338 ]], dtype=float32)

Note that samples from this parameter have size (shape[0], ... shape[n], k), not (shape[0], ... shape[n]).

Bounded Parameter

The BoundedParameter can be used to represent a parameter which has both an upper and a lower bound, and uses a normal posterior and prior, with a logit transform to bound the parameter’s values on both ends.

By default, the parameter is bounded between 0 and 1:

param = pf.BoundedParameter()
param.posterior_plot(style='hist', ci=0.9)

But the upper and lower bounds can be set using the max and min keyword arguments:

param = pf.BoundedParameter(min=5, max=10)
param.posterior_plot(style='hist', ci=0.9)

Positive Parameter

The PositiveParameter can be used to represent a parameter which must be positive, but has no upper bound. It uses a normal variational posterior and prior, with a softplus transformation.

param = pf.PositiveParameter()
param.posterior_plot(style='hist', ci=0.9)

Deterministic Parameter

The DeterministicParameter can be used to represent a non-probabilistic parameter. That is, it has no variational posterior distribution because its “variational posterior” is a single point value.

Every random sample from a deterministic parameter has the same value (though the parameters are still trainable):

>>> param = pf.DeterministicParameter()
>>> param.posterior_sample(n=10)
       [2.3372688]], dtype=float32)

Multivariate Normal Parameter

The MultivariateNormalParameter uses a multivariate normal distribution (with full covariance) as the variational posterior, with a multivariate normal prior. This comes in handy when you want to model a potential correlation between parameter(s).

The d keyword argument sets the dimensionality of the multivariate normal variational posterior used:

param = pf.MultivariateNormalParameter(d=3)

Samples from this parameter’s variational posterior are in d dimensions:

>>> param.posterior_sample().shape

And this parameter models the full covariance structure of the multivariate distribution:

samples = param.posterior_sample(n=10000)

import seaborn as sb
sns.kdeplot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1])

Centered Parameter

The CenteredParameter gets a vector or matrix of parameters which are constrained to have a mean of 0. This can be useful for making a model identifiable (e.g. when using as the weights of a multi-logit regression), or to induce hard centering on hierarchical parameters.

To create a length-5 parameter vector which always returns samples that have a mean of 0:

>>> param = pf.CenteredParameter([5, 1])
>>> np.mean(param.posterior_mean())
>>> np.mean(param.posterior_sample())
>>> np.mean(param.posterior_sample(3), axis=1)
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

To create a parameter matrix where the means of each column are always 0 (but the mean of all elements in the matrix is not necessarily 0), set the center_by keyword argument to 'column':

>>> param = pf.CenteredParameter([5, 3], center_by="column")
>>> np.mean(param.posterior_sample(), axis=0)
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

To create a parameter matrix where the means of each row are always 0 (but the mean of all elements in the matrix is not necessarily 0), set the center_by keyword argument to 'row':

>>> param = pf.CenteredParameter([5, 3], center_by="row")
>>> np.mean(param.posterior_sample(), axis=1)
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]