Saving and Loading Models

Models and modules can be saved to a file or serialized to JSON-safe strings.

Saving a model to disk

The easiest way to save a ProbFlow Model (this will also work for a Module object) is to use the save method:

# ...

# Or, use, which does the same thing
#, 'my_model.pfm')

Then the file can be loaded with pf.load

model = pf.load('my_model.pfm')
# model is a pf.Model object

Note that the file extension doesn’t matter - i.e. it doesn’t have to be .pfm, that’s just for “ProbFlow Model” (to give it an air of legitimacy haha). You could just as easily use .pkl, or .dat or whatever.

Saving and loading only works between identical Python versions

Currently, you can only load a ProbFlow model or module file using the exact same version of Python as was used to save it. This is because ProbFlow uses cloudpickle to serialize objects. Fancier/better storage might be supported in the future, but don’t hold your breath!

Serializing a model to a JSON-safe string

Models and modules can also be serialized into JSON-safe strings. To do this, use the dumps method of Model and Module

model_str = model.dumps()

# Or, use pf.dumps, which does the same thing
# model_str = pf.dumps(model)

These are UTF-8 encoded strings, so they’re JSON-safe. That is, you can do this:

import json
json.dumps({"model": model.dumps()})

Then the model can be loaded back from the string with pf.loads

model = pf.loads(model_str)
# model is a pf.Model object