Autoregressive Models

TODO: description…

AR(K) Model

TODO: math

TODO: diagram

import probflow as pf

class AutoregressiveModel(pf.Model):

    def __init__(self, k):
        self.beta = pf.Parameter([k, 1]) = pf.Parameter()
        self.sigma = pf.ScaleParameter()

    def __call__(self, x):
        preds = x @ self.beta() +
        return pf.Normal(preds, self.sigma())

If we have a timeseries x,

N = 1000
x = np.linspace(0, 10, N) + np.random.randn(N)

Then we can pull out k-length windows into a feature matrix X, such that each row of X corresponds to a single time point for which we are trying to predict the next sample’s value (in y).

k = 50

X = np.empty([N-k-1, k])
y = x[k:]
for i in range(N-k-1):
    X[i, :] = x[i:i+k]

Then, we can create and fit the model:

model = AutoregressiveModel(k), y)

Note that this is exactly equivalent to just doing a linear regression on the lagged feature matrix:

model = pf.LinearRegression(k), y)


TODO: math

TODO: diagram

TODO: code