Stochastic Volatility Model

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import probflow as pf

Stochastic volatility models are often used to model the variability of stock prices over time. The volatility is the standard deviation of the logarithmic returns over time. Instead of assuming that the volatility is constant, stochastic volatility models have latent parameters which model the volatility at each moment in time.

This example is pretty similar to the PyMC example stochastic volatility model, with a few differences specific to stochastic variational inference (as opposed to the PyMC example which uses MCMC).


We’ll fit a model to the volatility of the S&P 500 day-by-day returns. S&P 500 performance data can be found here. Let’s load the data from the past three years.

df = pd.read_csv('PerformanceGraphExport.csv')

We can view the raw index values over time:

# Plot raw S&P 500 performance
plt.plot(df['S&P 500'])
plt.ylabel('S&P 500')
plt.xlabel('Days since 11/2/2016')

But we can also compute the difference in logarithmic returns, which we’ll model to estimate the volatility. Note that at some time points the index is not very volatile (e.g. from time 100-250), while at other times the index is very volatile (e.g. from 300-400 and at ~500).

# Compute logarithmic returns
y = df['S&P 500'].values
y = np.log(y[1:]) - np.log(y[:-1])
y = y.reshape((1, y.shape[0])).astype('float32')
N = y.shape[1]

# Plot it
plt.ylabel('Logarithmic Returns')
plt.xlabel('Days since 11/2/2016')


At each timepoint (\(i\)) we’ll model the logarithmic returns at that timepoint (\(y_i\)). The model allows the volatility to change over time, such that each time point has a volatility controlled by a parameter for that time point (\(s_i\)). We’ll use a Student t-distribution to model the logarithmic returns, with degrees of freedom \(\nu\) (a free parameter):

\[y_i \sim \text{StudentT}(\nu, ~ 0, ~ \exp(s_i))\]

However, we can’t allow the scale parameters (\(s_i\)) at each timepoint to be completely independent, or the model will just overfit the data! So, we’ll constrain the volatility at any timepoint \(i\) to be similar to the volatility at the previous timepoint \(i-1\), and add another parameter \(\sigma\) which controls how quickly the volatility can change over time:

\[s_i \sim \text{Normal}(s_{i-1}, ~ \sigma)\]

We’ll use normal distributions as the variational posteriors for each \(s\) parameter, and log normal distributions for \(\nu\) and \(\sigma\), with the following priors:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \log(\sigma) & \sim \text{Normal}(-3, ~ 0.2) \\ \log(\nu) & \sim \text{Normal}(0, ~ 1) \end{align*}\end{split}\]

Let’s build this model with ProbFlow. There’s one major difference between the PyMC version (which uses MCMC) and our model (which uses SVI): because the prior on each \(s_i\) is \(\text{Normal}(s_{i-1}, ~ \sigma)\), in __call__ we’ll add the KL loss due to the divergence between those two distributions (as we would with a regular parameter’s variational posterior and prior).

class StochasticVolatility(pf.Model):

    def __init__(self, N):
        self.s = pf.Parameter([1, N], prior=None)
        self.sigma = pf.Parameter(name='sigma',
                                  prior=pf.Normal(-3, 0.1),
                                  transform=tf.exp) = pf.Parameter(name='nu',
                               prior=pf.Normal(0, 1),

    def __call__(self):
        s_posteriors = pf.Normal(self.s.posterior().mean()[:, 1:],
                                 self.s.posterior().stddev()[:, 1:])
        s_priors = pf.Normal(self.s.posterior().mean()[:, :-1],
        self.add_kl_loss(s_posteriors, s_priors)
        return pf.StudentT(, 0, tf.exp(self.s()))

The we can instantiate the model,

model = StochasticVolatility(N)

And fit it to the data!, batch_size=1, epochs=1000)

Inspecting the Fit

We can take a look at the posterior distributions for the \(\sigma\) and \(\nu\) parameters:

model.posterior_plot(['sigma', 'nu'], ci=0.9)

But more importantly, we can plot the MAP estimate of the volatility over time:

plt.legend(['S&P 500', 'Volatility'])

And since this is a Bayesian model, we also have access to uncertainty as to the amount of volatility at each time point:

# Sample from the posterior
Ns = 50
samples = model.s.posterior_sample(Ns).reshape((Ns, N))

# Plot the posterior over time
plt.plot(np.exp(samples.T), 'r', alpha=0.05)
plt.legend(['S&P 500', 'Volatility'])