Poisson Regression (GLM) Colab Badge


class PoissonRegression(pf.DiscreteModel):

    def __init__(self, d):
        self.w = pf.Parameter([d, 1]) #weights
        self.b = pf.Parameter([1, 1]) #bias

    def __call__(self, x):
        return pf.Poisson(tf.exp(x @ self.w() + self.b()))

model = PoissonRegression(x.shape[1])
model.fit(x, y)

In the linear and logistic regression examples, we created models which dealt with target variables which were continuous and categorical, respectively. But what if our target variable is, say, counts? In this case, the target variable is neither continuous (it can only take non-negative integer values) nor categorical (the number could theoretically be anywhere from \(0\) to \(\infty\), and there is a definite ordering of the values).

With discrete data like this (counts of events during some period of time), we can model the target variable as being generated by a Poisson distribution. Let’s generate a dataset which has 3 continuous features, and a Poisson-distributed target variable.

# Imports
import probflow as pf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rand = lambda *x: np.random.rand(*x).astype('float32')
randn = lambda *x: np.random.randn(*x).astype('float32')

# Settings
N = 512 #number of datapoints
D = 3   #number of features

# Data
x = rand(N, D)*4-2
w = np.array([[-1.], [0.], [1.]])
rate = np.exp(x@w + randn(N, D))
y = np.random.poisson(rate).astype('float32')

# Plot it
for i in range(D):
    plt.subplot(1, D, i+1)
    plt.plot(x[:, i], y[:, 0], '.')

We can use a Poisson regression to model this kind of data. Like a logistic regression, a Poisson regression is a type of generalized linear model (GLM). In a GLM, we use weight and bias parameters to compute a scalar prediction from the features, pipe that scalar through some function, and use the output as the mean of some observation distribution. With a Poisson regression, the function we use is the exponential function, and the observation distribution is the Poisson distribution.

\[y \sim \text{Poisson}(\exp ( \mathbf{x}^\top \mathbf{w} + b ))\]

Let’s build that model with ProbFlow. Note that our model class below inherits DiscreteModel, because the target variable is discrete (it can only take integer values \(\geq 0\)), and we use the Poisson observation distribution.

import tensorflow as tf

class PoissonRegression(pf.DiscreteModel):

    def __init__(self, dims):
        self.w = pf.Parameter([dims, 1], name='Weights')
        self.b = pf.Parameter([1, 1], name='Bias')

    def __call__(self, x):
        return pf.Poisson(tf.exp(x @ self.w() + self.b()))

Then, we can create an instance of our model and fit it to the data:

model = PoissonRegression(D)
model.fit(x, y, epochs=500)

We can see that the model recovers the paramers we used to generate the data (except for the bias … :/ )


And we can make predictions using either the mean or the mode of the predicted distribution:

>>> x_test = randn(5, D)
>>> model.predict(x_test) #mean by default
       [6.486554  ],
       [1.5575557 ],
       [6.112662  ]], dtype=float32)
>>> model.predict(x_test, method='mode')
       [6.]], dtype=float32)

Also, when we plot the posterior predictive distribution for a test datapoint, we can see that the predictions are discrete (integer values \(\geq 0\)):

model.pred_dist_plot(x_test[2:4, :])