Gaussian Mixture Model

Colab Badge

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
tfd = tfp.distributions

import probflow as pf

Another type of generative model is a mixture model, where the distribution of datapoints is modeled as the combination (“mixture”) of multiple individual distributions. A common type of mixture model is the Gaussian mixture model, where the data-generating distribution is modeled as the mixture of several Gaussian distributions.

Here’s some data generated by sampling points from three two-dimensional Gaussian distributions:

# Generate some data
N = 3*1024
X = np.random.randn(N, 2).astype('float32')
X[:1024, :] += [2, 0]
X[1024:2048, :] -= [2, 4]
X[2048:, :] += [-2, 4]

# Plot the data
plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], '.', alpha=0.2)

Let’s model the data using a Bayesian Gaussian mixture model. The model has \(k \in 1, \dots , K\) mixture components - we’ll use multivariate normal distributions. To match the data we generated, we’ll use \(K = 3\) mixture components in \(D = 2\) dimensions.

Each of the \(K\) normal distributions has a mean (\(\mu\)) and a standard deviation (\(\sigma\)) in each dimension. For simplicity we’ll assume the covariance of the Gaussians are diagonal. Each of the mixture distributions also has a weight (\(\theta\)), where all the weights sum to 1.

The probability of a datapoint \(i\) being generated by mixture component \(k\) is modeled with a categorical distribution, according to the weights:

\[k_i \sim \text{Categorical} (\boldsymbol{\theta})\]

And then the likelihood of that datapoint’s observed values are determined by the \(k\)-th mixture component’s distribution:

\[\mathbf{y}_i \sim \mathcal{N}_D (\boldsymbol{\mu}_{k_i}, ~ \boldsymbol{\sigma}_{k_i})\]

Let’s make that model using ProbFlow. We’ll use DirichletParameter for the weights, which uses a Dirichlet distribution as the variational posterior, because the weights must sum to 1. As with the correlation model, this is a generative model - we’re not predicting \(y\) given \(x\), but rather are just fitting the data-generating distribution - and so the __call__ method has no inputs.

class GaussianMixtureModel(pf.Model):

    def __init__(self, k, d): = pf.Parameter([k, d])
        self.sigma = pf.ScaleParameter([k, d])
        self.theta = pf.DirichletParameter(k)

    def __call__(self):
        dists = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(, self.sigma())
        return pf.Mixture(dists, probs=self.theta())

Compare constructing the above model (using ProbFlow) to the complexity of constructing the model with “raw” TensorFlow and TensorFlow Probability.

Then, we can instantiate the model and fit it to the data!

model = GaussianMixtureModel(3, 2), lr=0.03, epochs=500, batch_size=1024)

To look at the fit mixture density over possible values of \(X\), we can compute and plot the probability of the model over a grid:

# Compute log likelihood at each point on a grid
Np = 100 #number of grid points
xx = np.linspace(-6,6,Np)
Xp, Yp = np.meshgrid(xx, xx)
Pp = np.column_stack([Xp.ravel(), Yp.ravel()])
probs = model.prob(Pp.astype('float32'))
probs = np.reshape(probs, (Np, Np))

# Show the fit mixture density
           extent=(-6, 6, -6, 6),

The density lines up well with the points used to fit the model!

# Plot the density and original points
plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], ',', zorder=-1)
plt.contour(xx, xx, probs)